[center][h1][color=a187be]Violet Braddock [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://s20.postimg.org/3r1ut0nql/psydaught.jpg[/img][/center] Violet did a few flips and came back down and sat next to him. [color=a187be]"Griffin? I just had a troubling thought. What if Zack doesn't like me? You did say that you are two separate people in one body. So what happens if you like me and he doesn't?"[/color] Violet seemed to be thinking a lot on this taxing possibility. [color=a187be]"You mentioned a girl, Kalinda. Is she his girlfriend? Do you like her?" [/color]She was smiling but part of her wasn't joking and was worried. Violet realized she didn't know what his powers were. [color=a187be]"Griffin, what are your powers?"[/color] Violet ran full out at the wall and she took two steps up the side of it and flipped over backwards into a martial arts move. [color=a187be]"Do you want to spar with me? I bet I could kick your butt."[/color] She grinned and teased him. [@Katherinwinter]