[@Wick] Griffin shook his head. [color=a36209]"You don't have to worry. Zack likes everyone. He is very easy going. The chances of him not liking you is very small. I can only think of one person that my brother didnt like. You are nothing like that person."[/color] He assured her. He didnt think there was much to worry about. He disliked more people then Zack did. [color=a36209]"No Kalinda is neither of our girlfriends. We are too complicated to date. We both agree that it wouldnt be fair to the girl we got involved with."[/color] He tilted his head. He hadnt thought to explain their powers. He rarely remember that. [color=a36209]"We can fly and change shapes. I do not think that you can defeat me in a sparring match."[/color]