[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking] Xel'rath's body seems to ripple as he rapidly deconstructs and reconstructs it, his new 'head' seeming oddly avian with forward facing retinal sensors of the kinds able to pick up only the most basic of psionic impulses, acting more as an early warning system than the deep, invasive scalpel of his unbridled psionic senses amongst the more conventional 'senses' with his body coated in a layer of solid light aside from the forearms and similarly avian feet rather than feathers while the odd xeno constructs himself a flight apperatus similar to wings and while they were much better than the original style, they still held many visual similarities. "even should they detect me peaking, i'm afraid they'd become catatonic. such is the nature of attempting to gaze upon an all devouring force... though you do have my word that i've set my psionic detection as low as possible so as to not be more invasive than something akin to reading nerve impulses... which is to say, i can see when you try and punch me as i'm sure you've been quite tempted to do for quite a while" The oddly tzeentchian-looking xeno says as he clambors into the thunderhawk, his limbs all seeming equal parts hands as they were feet making him appear to flow over things. While he detested the situation, copying the basic physical structure of creatures he'd consumed before hand allowed xel'rath to at least quiet some of the vanity screeching at him for not making his systems in their most optimal methods as it was 'keeping with design' and while this did seem to output some sense of discomfort from him on a psionic level, the emmissions of such also intended to appear more... 'alive' as it were, he made a point to make it difficult to tell the origins of his discomfort and considering his early comment, attempting to delve into his mind to sate simply curiosity sounded something akin to suicide, which it was to a certain extent. While Rhemus hadn't really been able to place the uneasy calm he seemed to feel around the newfound xeno, as though his emotions were simply weaker than they were normally, which i'm sure is an accomplishment in and of itself, his newfound close proximity gave him his reason; xel'rath, when looked at through the eyes of the warp, was an all devouring maw, leeching off the background psionic power his imperium seemed to expel like a factory expels smog without effort. Even with said maw closed and gagged, he couldn't help but feel himself being drawn into it the more he gazed upon it before Xel'rath himself states "gaze long enough at the void, and it shall gaze back upon you, marine" shaking him out of his revery and possibly saving him as, even with his training against chaos taint, this was something of an entirely different magnitude.