Still here. Though Mai is now down and out...I don't see how much I can do other than get into a sitting position and defend her point. Still, knowing her "training", she'd be cursing herself for not going for the suiside move because now, she's just a sitting duck. Although some think she also has split personalities, she really doesn't. She just has problems balancing her human side with the "trained killer" side. Though split personalities would make for an interesting character addition. ...but I should also be honest with you all. Real life is taking it's toll on me in terms of my job lately. While I do read this, I don't usually have the energy to make post during weekdays. And considering Mai's situation, this maybe my last moments in the RP. I just feel bad considering how many others left for perhaps similar reasons. I'll wait till others around Joppa post but I think "Seven" would think that now she's dead weight, it was time to pull the plug.