[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/24d15f70724229b4967f6dff18a5f02c/tumblr_inline_mm97pahOBY1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr]Location: Al Fishawi' over in Khan El-Kalili Bazar over in El Ataba El Khadra in E10 ---> Bank of the Nile River (C10)[/center][hr][hr]Nora sipped at her tea, enjoying the warmth of it as it tickled her throat. She let out a content sigh, closing her eyes as memories of that all too repeating dream came back to her. She had brushed it off as being some remnant of her childhood illness, an indication of the stress of her work. There couldn't have been any merit to it, yet she couldn't discuss it with Dr. Kingston. He would prescribe a treatment of bedrest, on accounts of developing female hysteria. Nora didn't intend to spend the rest of her life tied to a bed. The chains of society were restrictions enough. [color=00ccff]"Thank you,"[/color] Nora murmured, by the time she had her food. She ate at it delicately, enjoying the symphony of tastes. By the time she finished the food and tea, she couldn't deny that there was not much of interest in the establishment. Perhaps a walk, a chance to get some air, could do her some good. Paying for her food, Nora rose from her seat, and pulled her clothing around herself a little more. She ducked out of the establishment and settled in for a walk, not stopping until the Nile river was at her side. Lighting a cigarette, Nora took a heavy drag, blowing the smoke out in front of her. She knew that it perhaps wasn't the safest place for her to be, but she couldn't be bothered to do much about it. Perhaps a little scare would do her go, at least in terms of finding something meaningful in life. Had she known someone, she would've invested in a decent swing dancing partner, to allow herself to feel something akin to life.