[center][color=B0E0E6][h1][b]幹恵ナ タカ春[/b][/h1][/color] [color=B0E0E6][h3][b]Mikiena Takaharu[/b][/h3][/color][/center] Before she knew what was going on she was running, being drug by another girl. She was scared and confused all at the same time. Her heart raced as she looked back and saw the horse and yellow eyed girl. Mikiena had no idea why a horse was on campus, but knew it didn't mean anything good. [color=B0E0E6]"What the hell is that?!"[/color] she yelled out as she got pulled. It was all so strange. Once they stopped running Mikiena let her heart rate slow back to normal as she asked the group of others, some she actually recognized, what was going on. [color=B0E0E6]"Can someone tell me what's going on? I'm so confused. What was that back there?"[/color] Mikiena questioned, catching her breath. She was thankful for the pull away from whatever it was, but was so confused about everything. None of it made sense. [color=B0E0E6][i]'Why are we running away from that girl?'[/I][/color] she looked back in the direction they had come from. [color=B0E0E6]"Are we safe right here? I'm guessing you guys had a run in with those two before?"[/color] She crossed her arms and took notice of everyone around her. She didn't mean to sound so rude, even though she felt like she was snapping at the girl that may have very well of saved her life. [color=B0E0E6]"Look, I'm sorry. But I have no clue what's going on and I only recognize half of you."[/color] Mikiena peered into one of the classroom next to the group and saw it was empty. [color=B0E0E6]"We can rest in here for now. There's another door on the other side, so if we need to make a quick exit we can."[/color] she offered looking around to the group. She did recognize Anri, but due to the way the other girl was talking to him she kept her distance. Mikiena didn't want to get into something she didn't belong in. [hr] [@TheWindel], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Lonewolf685], [@UberBlutwurst], [@RoflsMazoy], [@KoL]