[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@supertinyking][@thewizardguy] "May the glory of the Prince of Hell be reflected in your victory." Damien stepped aside as Firebrand and Viral fought, uttering his blessing. The blue-haired girl seemed to have heeded his words, taking no further offensive action, and so Damien reduced his immediate threat to her, keeping an eye on her nonetheless. But the immediate area was still chaotic, much to the necromancer's displeasure. He longed to reconvene with his immediate superior, Vulga, for further orders, but of course it was not the position of the slave to keep tabs on the master. Damien understood that Vulga would show up when he wished to, not when summoned. For now, he would retain his place on the sideline, in admiration of Firebrand's power, biding his time. Just as Viral had finally fallen, pleading for death, Damien was denied the satisfaction of watching the fatal conclusion of that little show. Another sorcerer had suddenly shown up in defense of the dying bandit lord. The young human watched with perturbed alarm as Firebrand redirected his final ball of flame toward Threek instead of incinerating Viral once and for all. Damien stood facing the rat-mage, sword in hand, with a grimace across his face as Firebrand landed next to him. He responded quickly, "He's a magic user of some kind, and he's targeting us! I don't know what he's capable of, but I doubt he has any idea what I am capable of either." Damien's eyes glowed and he lifted his hands quickly, attempting to counter whatever Threek was about to cast upon them.