Think this is the best ill get right now. GO ahead [@ONL]...Make my day *Eastwood squint with random tumble weed* [hider=Hawthorne] [h1][center][color=Tan]Jonah Hawthorne[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img][/img][/center] [h3][i][url=]"Name's Jonah Hawthorne. Some people caw me Jonah, others caw me Hawthorne. You'll caw me neither. You'll caw me sir."[/url][/i][/h3] [h3][center]Character basics[/center][/h3] Name: Cpt. Jonah Hawthorne Nicknames/alias: Jonah, Hawthorne, Age: 38 Place of birth & ethnicity: Topeka, Kansas & white Gender: Male Occupation: Former Confederate solider (Rank Captain), Currently Sheriff [h3][center]Character appearance & personality[/center][/h3] Apperance: Jonah is a bit on the rougher side, wearing a fairly think beard around his his face. Well, mostly around his face. Unfortunately he had crossed path with former Union soliders who brandish his face with a cattle prod before authorities saved him. His hair is of neck length and doesn't particularly care how it sits since most of the time it is hidden under his hat. ANother thing to note is that he has a bit of a nasty limp in his right leg from when he was shot back in the Civil War. Clothing: Old Confederate officer frock coat open, white sleeve shirt under old confederate vest, leather pants, boots, duster and old and worn confederate hat as shown in picture. Personal style: As descripted above unless inside which its usually just shirt, pants and boots. Personality: Heh. Er'y body wants teh know what makes me so special but lemme sey this. I'm not goin about cawlin mahself a Capten, its former Capten, Dun caw me that Nuttin really. I just consier mahself a man of ahnor, n'a man o truth. Shame ah fought for the wron' side but it ehs whaddit ehs. Dun tawk about it much. Nuttin worth taw'kin about. (Jonah is a rather straight forward individual both on and off the job. His lack of sympathy and distain for bullshit has made him a lot of enemies both within the law and among the civilian population. However, he has been known to show curtesy and some generosity but that is once in a blue moon, if he even feels up to it. He also is a bit reckless and has a tendency to put himself in harms way, purposely. His military life has effectively desensitized him to death and murder, so the sight of either has no true effect on his psyche. Thanks to Anderson and Quantill and there horrific acts on the civilian population during a time of war, he now shows little to no sympathy for thieves, rapists, murders and sinners.) Habits: Jonah usually wipes his mouth often, this is mostly due to the hole in the side of his mouth which allows drool and liquids to flow out. He also chews on cigars when he's bored or clicks his tongue when agitated. [h3][center]Skills and items[/center][/h3] Regular life skills: Tracking, Sharpshooting, hand-to-hand, hunting, fishing, horseback riding and simple guerilla tactics. Combat skills: Henry Model 1860 lever action rifle: Effective shot at around 160 yards, Excellent shot from 150 yards down. Smith & Wesson Revolvers: Effective shot at 30 yards, Excellent shot at 20. Moderate firing speed with dual pistols, excellent firing speed with single pistol in hand. Knife(ives): -Throwing skills: Effective at 5 yards, excellent 4 and down. -Combat: Moderate knife combat skill. Items on your person: Henry Model 1860 lever action rifle lever action with a Henry Golden boy Scope and mount, two Smith & Wesson Top Break revolvers, Large boot knife, Bowie knife under coat and a small derringer pistol kept in the sleeve of his shirt. Sheriffs badge also hidden under coat, Rifle round belt, Tabacoo, tobacco papers and cigars. Small flask, 5 dollars and thirty five cents and a small book containing names of wanted men and their bounties. Additional stuff: Canteen, spare Longjohns and double of his clothing including boots with spurs. 50ft of rope, extra rounds and cleaning kit. Spare bandannas. riding gloves. [h3][center]History[/center][/h3] What brings you to Haylliesburg: Jonah had decided to come to Haylliesburg to escape his past mistakes in the hopes of starting anew as law enforcement. Although, as law enforcement he has earned a reputation as sort of a lose cannon. Your life before coming to Haylliesburg: Jonah was a solider of the Civil War, siding on the Confederates side with the intention to make his way to captain and help the south defeat the North. Over time however, as he delved into the politics of it, his view on the war started to shift not in favor for the south nor the north. He became rather disgusted of it. His disgust of the war was only concreted into his head when he rode under two notable figures, both at separate times. William C. Quantrill and William T. Anderson, both of which he despised thanks to a few raids done on towns who sympathized for the Union. One he recalls was a horrific raid on a Missouri town causing the death of many with zero discrimination and with extreme prejudice. Towards the end of the war he had reluctantly accepted the promotional rank of Captain and was told to lead a group of men against a Union encampment. However, when he had gotten there, instead of fighting, he simply surrendered and awaited the end of the war in a cell, managing to talk his way out of the hangmen's noose. The war had left horrible scars on him both physically and mentally but nonetheless felt that he needed to make amends and the way he would do that would be to become a sheriff. There are parts of his passed that he refuses to talk about for specific reasons, thought, most of those reasons simply consist of "None of your business". [i][url=]"Dons' matter when or where, but someday soon I'm gonn' die, and'da devil gon' take what's his...An' I'm not gonna try an' stop'em."[/url][/i] [h3][center]Extra[/center][/h3] [list][*]Alcoholic. [*] Smoker [*] Also has the developing symptoms of Tuberculosis [*] [*]Favorite Western(s): Tombstone, True Grit (both old and remake), Quick and the Dead, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and finally more of a comedy, Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles.[/list] [/hider]