[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mi4iRsN.png[/img] [color=FIREBRICK][b][h3]MALAKAUS FIREBELLY[/h3][/b][/color][/center] Malakaus lead Atisha to the armory. It was there that the two finally got out of their armor after their long journey, switching to their casual clothing. While they obviously don't wear their armor all the time, taking it off during rests, it was more or less their day clothes. Malakaus gave his armor and weapons to the castle smith and paid him some money to do repairs on them. [color=firebrick]"If you can, maybe some improvements as well. I hope this will cover it."[/color] Malakaus gave the smith a bag of coins, nearly three times the amount his armor costed in the first place. And Malakaus's armor was not cheap. The smith seemed both perplexed and excited, and Malakaus was just happy to get this out of the way. Good thing Atisha wasn't here or else she'd yell at him for wasting his money so frivolously. Speaking of Atisha he needed to make sure she didn't get into any more trouble while she was here. She was far too hotheaded and strong-willed for her own good. Normally good traits to have but she didn't know how to temper them. She'd just get into trouble if she didn't control herself. Fortunately Malakaus had something that could at least clear out any misunderstandings about who she was. So Malakaus went to find Atisha, who was browsing the armory. There he went up to her and handed her a [url=http://i.imgur.com/c3VtGEY.png]medallion[/url] from his pocket. He hadn't needed to use this in ages, as his armor and voice was often good enough to prove his identity. But this medallion was more or less Malakaus's knightly emblem, and those who bare it are his followers. Not that Atisha would ever admit to being one of Malakaus' followers, but so long as she carried it, people would know that she is with him. [color=firebrick]"Take this and hold onto it. As long as you have it people in the castle won't mistake you as some random elf. It won't get you everywhere of course, and if you get into trouble it won't save you, but at least the guards shouldn't bother you. And if they do for ulterior reasons go ahead and give them a good thumping. Castle guards aught to have better discipline then to sass a castle guest. Now then, I'll need to be heading back to talk to Maria or at least arrange a meeting with her. Find whatever you need and take this time to rest. We got a long journey tomorrow and we won't have this luxury for quite some time."[/color] With that said, Malakaus left the armory to head back to the Iron Bell HQ. Outside of his armor, Malakaus had changed to humble trousers made of rough cotton, tough and warm, though not particularly comfortable. Didn't bother Malakaus though as this was his everyday pants. And his only one... Malakaus made it a note that he needed to buy more clothes. At least his boots were still sturdy; they were a nice pair of brown leather boots with fur on the inside, a present from his mother. They were very comfy and good for traveling though he never wore them often as he usually had his armored boots on. When the slavers took these from him Malakaus made sure to get it back before leaving. Malakaus also had a fairly tribal looking necklace with him that too coming from his people. A leather cord with various teeth and tusks made from wild animals and an amulet carved from the horn of the first demon beast Malakaus ever slew in single combat. It was said to protect him from maligned influences, though that was mostly just belief. Without his armor Malakaus's orcish features were much more notable, and he himself did not dress like a knight. Instead he looked more like a thug, possibly even a lowly beggar since he distinctively lacked a shirt, but this was simple Malakaus's dress of choice. By the time he reached the Iron Bell HQ Malakaus had just caught the tail end of Maria's statement, wishing that she could have invited Malakaus before he left. [color=firebrick]"Tis not too late. I could always make time for the Knight Commander if she so desires."[/color] Malakaus walked back into the room with a smile on his face. While he generally tries not to spoil himself with the luxuries of the castle, he wasn't going to decline the offer if it was available to him. That would be rude. [@ADamnFiddle][@liferusher] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ivrDE41.png[/img] [color=FORESTGREEN][b][h3]ATISHA ELUVIAN[/h3][/b][/color][/center] Atisha followed Malakaus into the castle, where they eventually arrived to an armory of sorts. This place was fill with smoke and soot and made her hold her nose. The smell of molten metals and other chemicals wafted through the air. It wasn't anything Atisha hadn't smelled before, but it was never pleasant to begin with. Malakaus stripped off his armor and Atisha did the same. She was aware of the protective needs of her armor, but it was far from comfortable to wear. She was thankful to finally wear her casual dress and more importantly, no shoes. She let her legs stretch out now that she didn't have to wear that hot leather armor anymore, and the cold stones beneath her feet felt quiet pleasant. Atisha left her armor and weapons with one of the smiths that Malakaus was speaking to. She left to look at their selection of weapons like an excitable young boy. For the longest time she's been mostly relying on a spear she picked up from a mercenary soldier, but she wanted something more flexible and suiting her style. Though to get a weapon that worked exactly like the polearm she grew up with, Atisha knew she'd have to have that specially made for her. She doubts that even the royalty would have access to the type of high tensile ironwood trees native to her home. Most of them back there had already been cut down nearly thirty years ago, and without any of the elves there who knew how to grow them, Ironwood had effectively gone extinct. Atisha sighed at these sad memories and simply picked out a staff of wood from a barrel. They were suppose to be used for various polearms but Atisha wanted to see how well their wood was. Before she left to test, Malakaus walked up to her and handed her a medallion. [color=forestgreen]"What's this for?"[/color] He then proceeded to explain the purpose of the medallion. Essentially it would allow Atisha to walk about the castle unharnessed as long as she had it. She supposed she should be grateful, but Atisha did think that she wouldn't have any problems if these guards didn't bother her for frivolous reasons. Though considering that they did nearly get robbed by what could presumably have just been a regular street rat, Atisha supposed their paranoia was not misplaced. Though regardless the castle guards and their knights still seem incompetent. She was almost certain that the knights wouldn't be able to stop it from happening a second time. [color=forestgreen]"Fine. I won't be too far from here, though I might head for a bath later. I'll find you whenever."[/color] Now with Malakaus gone Atisha went out to an open area with a few staves. Each one was made of a different wood and used a different design. She wanted to test them out for their strength and flexibility. But first, she needed to limber up with some stenches, and once she was done with that, Atisha did a few weapon forms using the staves. Most of them were thrusts and swipes, though she had a few swings as well. Once her body was ready Atisha began to train, putting aside all else to stimulate her body and sharpen her skill.