[b][center][h1][color=a0410d]Vesta Celestia[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3Q4FzCQ.png[/img] [@Seirei No Hai][@dabombjk][@Spriggs27][@ZekariVoblis][@FamishedPants][/center] [color=a0410d]"I hide behind nothing 'Hero'. I'm merely showing what happens if you wish to mess with the status quo."[/color] vesta responded calmly despite her obvious irritation. [s]Vesta gave no fucks about Zin[/s] Vesta didn't seem too surprised by the fact Aleph had dodged her attack. She would've been disappointed if the fight was over in the first move, which was why she didn't go with anything overly flashy or big. That and she didn't want to kill anyone, not even this annoyance of a man. But she REALLY wanted to vent some frustration and this man had given what she deemed a perfectly reasonable excuse to do so. As he dashed forward she seemed to narrow her eyes into almost cat like slits. Was this man mocking her? He dared come rushing at her, sword drawn in combat and have absolutely no drive or anything beside his swing? Did he really think she was THAT far below him? She was already halfway through raising a pillar of earth to come between Aleph and herself when Kyle now flung himself in front of the pathetic excuse of a attack Aleph was unleashing. What the hell was this idiot playing at?! Oh god it didn't even stop there. Vesta rubbed her temples in annoyance now as Ease had lunged in front of Kyle...who had lunged in front of her...to stop an attack which was never going to hit it's mark. She was surrounded by nothing but idiots wasn't she? And to top it off Ease was whinging and whining on the ground about dying? If he died it was his own damned fault and she doubted such a wound would kill him so easily anyway....just in case she would take him to Avery later. While Avery wasn't a fantastic healer, he still had some skill in the art and would be able to heal a wound of such a low calibre. [color=a0410d]"...Idiots."[/color] Vesta sighed loudly. They had completely ruined the mood of the fight and she was quickly losing interest. Why was she fighting this man again? Oh right....that was why. Never mind her interest was back. Ignoring the two Vesta threw her hands upwards. As if on cue two spheres of earth now erupted out of the ground and flung themselves towards Aleph at ludicrously high speeds. Blocking was out of the question with the momentum of such heavy objects but if he was quick enough he should be able to dodge them. If the hit it would hurt. Quite a bit. But they were made from dirt rather than rock...so it shouldn't kill him. Maybe. Not that Vesta really cared anyway. [b][center][h1][color=ed1c24]Avery Ackbar Celestia[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/n4mq0vg.png[/img] [@demonspade64][@Liferusher][@Kitsune][@Soragoku][/center] [color=ed1c24]"O...taku?"[/color] Avery tilted his head to the side slightly as Aya yelled and pointed at Avery. So it would seem the giant's name was Kyojin? At least Avery thinks she was talking to the giant. However he wasn't confused by the term. He was confused by how he KNEW the term already...where had he heard it before? Wait...he was sure it was a term he heard once or twice at home. Not really a huge term back where he was from, anime and the like was only starting to get popular when he was brought here back home. Wait. Did that mean maid girl was also possibly from his world? Suppose it would explain why he had never seen the girl around before...and he didn't pick Khondo to be the type to go around hiring people willy nilly. His thought process was broken however when he heard Dante talking. Giving him a questioning look, he barely stopped himself from bursting into laughter as Dante now yelled at him to get off of him. [color=ed1c24]"But I don't [i]wannya[/i]. You're comfy."[/color] Avery whined, sounding much like a small child. Of course this didn't deter Dante from simply removing Avery from his back. This resulted in Avery folding his arms across his chest and pouting, his tail and ears pointed downwards to add to the act. [color=ed1c24]"Meanie."[/color] Avery now stood up and dusted off the skirt before casting a glance towards the giant as he talked. Mate? Oh right...Dante was under the impression he was a girl and that they were dating. Although Avery had been joking and teasing the inumimi at the time. And it would seem that Daisuke didn't get his hint? Well ok then. Only one thing to do...but first things first. [color=ed1c24]"Oh these? They are fake, a handy little metia my mistress managed to acquire for me."[/color] Avery said bluntly as he now carefully removed the ears and tail before holding them up for Kyojin to see clearly. With that said and done he proceeded to put them back on and now clasped his hands together, almost as if he was hiding something within them. [color=ed1c24]"[i]Nyaw[/i] time for a little show. Like Houdini."[/color] Avery knew he didn't really pick a great magician to suit what he was about to do here, since Houdini was a master of escape, but it was the only one he could remember. Cut him some slack after all, he had yet to be home in 8 years. He closed his eyes in concentration before smirking in his mind. Something small...yes that would do. Avery now opened his eyes and moved his hands away from each other. A small kookabura now seemed to have materialised in one of his hands as he held it up for Daisuke and Aya to see. It was a bird native to his homeland so he was wondering if they would recognise it. He didn't know if they were from the some country as he was, but he wanted to try and confirm whether or not they were from earth. And how had he made it appear? He had simply made it himself using his blessing.