He was woken up by the clicking of boots, his eyes staying closed out of exhaust, but also to ensure that whoever entered the room wasn't aware of his new-found consciousness. He could hear them talking, one of them laughed, said something incoherent before another voice said in warbled tone: "Ge..he..be..." The consciousness that had once been found was lost again, the comfortable darkness easing him back into a slumber that wouldn't be disturbed until several hours later when his eyes opened much more willingly. His hands traced across his stomach, upper lip curling in embarrassment at his same wardrobe. If they were going to subjugate him to psychologically scarring visions, couldn't they at least give him something a bit more loose to fitfully have nightmares in? A weak chuckle came from his throat as he sat up, gleefully tearing the shirt off of his body and breathing a sigh of relief. He then realized in a sudden flash of surprise that he had probably been without a shirt around Cam the same amount of time with one on. Thankfully she didn't seem to mind his predilection for keeping his upper body free of obstruction, but he did chide himself for the lack of foresight. Again, she didn't seem to care, so thankfully he felt like it wouldn't too much of a bother. Speaking of Cam, where was she? He rose from the cot, scanning the room with rising awareness. This was the same room they had been brought to after their "physical evaluations", which meant that there was still a relatively full water jug sitting on top of a locker where they had left it. He planted his now bare feet(?) on the ground and plodded over to the row of lockers, retrieving the jug and drinking in the sweet, sweet nectar of the gods. The water seemed tinged with a sweet aftertaste, a welcome addition to the earthy before AND aftertaste of the water that the miniature purifiers were able to produce. After a large gulp, he returned to his initial quest, which was solved quickly upon finding her limp, unconscious body on a nearby cot directly across the room. "Cam?" He called out softly as he approached, noting her curled up position, her breath coming in gentle breezes. "Don't go fetal on me...not yet anyway." He couldn't imagine the kinds of things she had seen, especially after his brief romp in virtual reality. If they had made her relive what had happened in Chesapeake... No. No they wouldn't do that. They couldn't be THAT cruel. There were probably other traumas that she had experienced, ones that were equally as cruel of course. He shook his head, running a hand through her hair. She deserved so much better than what she had gone through. All of them did. Maybe, just maybe, she was right. They needed to stay here, even if it's only for a small period of time. For her sake...for his. Justin's hand ran from her head down to her shoulder, grazing it with his fingertips. Even after all this time, she still managed to look so blasted beautiful. That's a talent he wished he had.