[@Quinntessential][@DrunkasaurusRex][@BCTheEntity][@Hank][@TemplarKnight07] No one is really sure of the origins of the Dread Pirate Ahab, some say that he was born from the very womb of a daemon-possessed vessel, while others put forward that he was a Rogue Trader driven made in search of a huge white Tyranid bio-form, and those are but two of the multitude of theories put fourth. Like his earlier life, his motives and goals were just as mysterious and shrouded in secret, only his closest (and now deceased) advisors had even known why they were landing on and taking control of a newly minted Imperial colony and its systems. Now he may have been driven [b]truly[/b] insane, more than willing to blow the entire colony and all within it to Imperium come and into the lap of the God-Emperor...or whatever deity the other mercenaries or pirates believed. He was set on his collision course of self-destruction now, he would destroy them all in an inferno of plasma and flame, and these irritating fools - such as the clumsy mutant shambling away from him - were only getting in his way! Phant on the other hand had been standing over the fallen Dog-Soldier when an odd looking woman, or was she more mechanical than human, and the foppish dandy with the xenos weapons had entered the comm-section and made themselves well and truly known to him. He watched with grim fascination as she literally plugged herself into the console and began to sweat, and he was certain he heard her mutter "Oh Throne..." beneath her breath. It did not fill him with confidence, and he was not even certain that she could hear him or was even aware of any existence outside of that artifical one she was currently inhabiting inside the machine. The Mechanicus in general had always been something he had stayed away from; some may have believed that the inhuman and emotionless cogs of the Imperium's Mars-based allies would have gotten on as kith and kin with the vat-born warriors of Krieg, but they could not be more wrong, they even made [b]his[/b] skin crawl. This one did not seem to have anywhere near the implants he may have expected, and so he did not overly mind her. "What is the matter?" Came his half-muffled voice, his boots making their way to her side, his masked visage hovering next to her own sweating face as he squatted down on his haunches, "if there is something wrong, can you fix it?" He did not need to know what was wrong, but she would never have muttered a curse to the Throne had it not been important. Meanwhile, in the corridor without, Ahab swung his power sword this way and that in great arcs and patterns, the servos of his power armour propelling him toward the quilled alien that now took aim at him. Without realising that it has croaked something in an approximation of Low Gothic, he was somewhat surprised when the twisted half-man flung himself aside and was bought face-to-face with the barrel of some bladed rifle pointing straight in his direction. Pah, it mattered not! He would rend them both limb-from-limb and take pleasure in every second of it. "Surrender or die, alien!" He half-screamed, quickening his pace toward the Kroot in an attempt to bull-rush the thinner and lighter adversary, his glittering weapon bought up into a guard position above his head as he prepared to strike down once he got within close-quarter distance. This he would do within no more than a few more strides, the large-armed thing not even worth his time anymore, his attention fixed on that rifle and the xenos holding it. [hr] Somewhere far above XT-0009345:132, in orbit of the planet upon which it had been founded in the Emperor's name, a signature might reach whatever technical systems and personnel remained. It was faint, but growing ever stronger, at first a shimmering in the reality of space...then a slight tear...and then a channel from within the Immaterium through which the prow of a number of vessels began to emerge. The question was, were they ships of the Ordo come to see how progress was coming, or had the corsair fleet of the Scarred Maidens come back at their Captains call? [Hider=PLEASE READ!]Alright folks, finish him off and save/do not save the colony, just do it quick...but not too quick. I apologise for the two-week delay, my bad, but I'm getting back on the horse now and expect posts within the week. Or characters start to die.[/hider]