[b][u]Argentina Rhosphrus & Zephroth[/u][/b] Argentina was suddenly content thirst wise and when she looked around her all the fighting had stopped and her earthen cage disappeared before her very eyes. She wondered how her thirst had disappeared so quickly but she knew what she was going to do when she found out what dorm room she was staying in. Argentina assumed that the person who had suddenly appeared was the headmaster of the academy and wasn’t wrong. He made stairs appear from nowhere and guided the students to the academy, although Argentina did wonder weather or not the stairs were invisible or if the headmaster brought the item into existence. It made her wonder just how much power that the headmaster has. Argentina was one of the last few going up those stairs and to the hallway and she kept one hand on her dear friend Zephroth and asked him if she had hurt anyone [b][u]Kyle Maxallion & Zerphina [/u][/b] Kyle watched in awe as everything that had gone to hell so quickly suddenly stopped with the appearance of the headmaster, he healed those with critical wounds and stopped someone who was a major threat. Kyle came to the realisation that the headmaster was incredibly powerful he didn’t know why he was shocked by the idea, he should have expected it really but somehow he didn’t. And then a staircase appeared from nowhere leading students like himself up to the academy, this only further proved his idea of the headmaster being powerful. Was the head master even human, if not what is he. He stared at the back of Arken’s head for a little while before beginning to follow the others up the stairs. There were so many questions floating around his head. Questions that would remain unanswered unless he decided to ask Arken himself. For now he decided that he would continue to follow the others up the long staircase and into the grand hall.