actually i was rather content with most of CS and included a blurb about the Kell Hounds. Is this acceptable? [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Nicolai Astrovia Age: 26 Gender: M Appearance: [img][/img] Gear: Battle harness (chest plate used to secure Nicolai into the Mech) Combat Helmet (Protect the pilot's head and neck from injury and provide a detailed HUD with Aim assist systems, vision systems Infrared+low light, and radar systems) Rebreather (ensures safe supply of air for up to 2 hours in the event of toxic fumes or smoke) Abilities: Well trained in heavy assault tactics and medium-short range combat, utilizing sustained bombardment of gunfire and missiles to pummel his target into submission. Personality: Nicolai is an aggressive tank of a man, happy in the thick of mech combat or in a bar room brawl. He is rowdy and will stir up trouble whenever he can, but he is most at home in the Atlas mech suit, shrugging off damage and savaging the enemy with bullets. History: Nicolai was a junior mech pilot working security for the Nexus corp. He joined fresh out of school and patrolled R&D hangars at the Nexus corp HQ to ensure that they where not attacked or sabotaged. The work was well paying but quite dull, he decided to have a change in career and joined the Kell Hounds Mercenary group. A tiny corporation by comparison, but they managed to farm out security and the occasional black ops assault jobs. The Kell Hounds quickly earned a name for themselves both in the combat games and in the field where Nicolai also earned his stripes with them. While the Hounds where still a small corp they where rapidly expanding as one of the go-to security companies if a corporation couldn't afford their own security Mechs, pilots, and training. Nicolai earned an accommodation while protecting some small corporation's assets. he was at a warehouse that was attacked by a pair of light black op mechs, the lightly armed and armored mechs where not prepared for the Atlas and where quickly dispatched. This event earned Nicolai a promotion as well, making him the Kell Hound's pilot in the arena. A veteran of combat missions, but a fresh face in the arena. [/hider] [hider=Atlas] Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 18ft Weight: ~35 tons fully loaded History and Development: The Atlas MK-IV was designed by the Kell Hounds Mercenary Corp specifically to run guard and assault operations, the Kell Hounds primary role. The Atlas does not have terribly impressive firepower but can survive combat that would leave most mechs in a heap of flaming wreckage. The idea began as a simple heavy mech with everything except a gun stripped down to make room for armor. As the armor evolved the Mech was scaled up and built bigger and tougher. the MK-IV was the final iteration of the mech, reaching an elegant simplicity that worked well in all situations. With the development of an extremely durable alloy it made an excellent front line battle mech that could protect the more vulerable artillery from everything but the most serious assaults. The Atlas for the arena was also equiped with several minor enhancements such as speed boosters, UAV, and higher yield missiles. Weapons and Equipment: MRM 5 rocket pod x2 - Medium range missiles with lock on, fires 5 High yield missiles per salvo (10 salvo capacity) Rotary cannons x2 - Large caliber belt fed guns with high rate of fire and armor piercing ammo. Endo-Steel Armor - the Atlas is extremely heavily armored with a special alloy developed for this mech, it is capable of surviving severe bombardments of damage. 200mm Endo-Steel Plates make up the primary body armor. Radar Short fire boosters - thrusters that give the heavy mech some limited mobility UAV assist - Launces a small UAV with radar and thermal imaging to aid the pilot in situational awareness [/Hider] [hider=Kell Hounds] [img][/img] The Kell hounds are a young security company, only about 60 years old, and have been carving out their niche with a philosophy of brutality and uncompromising resilience. These philosophies have permeated the Kell Hounds mech design, financial and diplomatic decisions. With their impressive resilience they have ground several competing security companies to oblivion without ever firing a shot. They have also bankrupt a few competators by low-balling contracts and gouging the profits away from others. Their Mechs come in several designs: The atlas, their primary mech. the Catapult, A walking missile barrage. and the Goliath, a Black ops/scout mech. using these designs together makes the Kell hounds a formidable force albeit much smaller than the mech forces that any of the mega corps could field. [/hider]