[center] [h2] [color=9e0039][b]Miora Sphere: Pilot and Rather Disappointed[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Mood Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1clI9tnlvo[/youtube][/hider] [sub]Mentions: Gera & Doctor Metal [@BurningCold], Horror Girl [@The1Rolling1Boy], Mr. Sleepy Sensitive [@CrazyShadowy], [@Kaiachi] Ms. Nervous Giggles, and [@FortunesFaded] Mr. Mountain Lion[/sub] [hr] Miora's red lips lost their humor, fading into a downturned frown with dulled eyes as she looked over the non-responsive crew that was trickling in. Well, at least one of them seemed to have ears. Everyone else seemed...boring. Flat. One-dimensional. Totally below average. [i]Great.[/i] This journey was going to be long, wasn't it? Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked at the wiry man, raking him over with her burning gaze. 'Old fashioned' huh? Well, at least he had a bite to him. She grinned. [color=9e0039]"Oh, so yer the co-pilot then, are ya?"[/color] she looked him over with blade-sharp eyes, hands on her hips, though her head didn't quite come up to his chin, [color=9e0039]"Aye, I suppose ye'll do."[/color] She gave a curt nod. [color=9e0039]"At least yer more awake than this lazy lack-witted lot,"[/color] she grinned, those words being as close to a compliment as her sharp tongue usual got, [color=9e0039]"Gera, huh? Well, I got a few rules, as I am sure ye do as well. And since we'll be flyin' together, I hope we can at least set up a decent f*cking system."[/color] She held up a finger, getting close to him, head turned up almost as if she were scolding him...or seducing him. [color=9e0039]"Donna go faintin' on me or nuthin', ye ken? I can't stand that sh*t. Don't touch my seat or anythin' therefore attached to it. And most of all:"[/color] she grinned slowly, rolling the cigar in her other hand a bit as she leaned back, placing the scolding hand on her hip and tilting her head up haughtily. [color=9e0039]"Donna go gettin' butthurt about nothin' I say, ye ken? I donna hate no one and I donna pick on no one. I jus' like using more interestin' words, yea? Keeps things fun."[/color] Tipping her head to the side slightly, she gave him a lazy almost downright devilish wink. And fun was something they were going to need, by the looks of this crew. Her gaze went around the room once more. Some gloomy looking guy with overly intelligent eyes and a duffle bag. Creepy kid-like girl blue hair hugging stuffed animals (Miora shuddered; she thought stuff like that was like something out a horror movie). Confused meathead who was probably so locked inside his head that he had to close those eyes of his and try to sleep, ordering whoever heard to wake him when it was time to get debriefed. A woman with nibbled on nails who was standing up against a wall, most likely trying not to faint from the looks of how nervous she was. That and the two soldiers, this crew was looking less like experts and more like a random assortment of weirdos and loons. Her included. She chuckled to herself and shook her head. [color=9e0039]"At least we ken the ship will be a working high class beauty, even if the rest of us aren't even close,"[/color] she scoffed lowly, knowing Gera would probably be the only one to hear the rather rude comment. But she liked being rude. It kept things interesting. A man entered, looking every inch the awful cookie-cutter military man he must be. Her burning dark eyes hit him like a laser on target. And they stayed there too, following him as he moved like a predator through the slowly enlarging group. Rolling the synthesized cigar in her fingers once more, she put it up to once more smirking red lips. Wisps of scentless smoke-like vapor trailed from her mouth like a dragon licking its lips in anticipation. [i]Something fun to play with[/i], was written all over her face. Almost like the look she had when she had seen the Sentinel, the classy freighter she'd be in charge of pushing to it's young limits. She felt like she could relate to the ship, much like an owner could relate to their pet. Somehow the two just paired well. Her and Mr. Mountain Lion though... Well, they'd just have to see, now wouldn't they? And with Gera, the smart-mouth co-pilot, there to lend all his skill (which she was fast coming to trust, due to those first biting words he had smoothly laid out), at least they could believe in getting to their destination as fast as possible. In one piece and without damage... She looked the crew over once more and frowned. Well, at least they'd get to their destination as fast and as efficiently as possible. [color=9e0039]"It ought be interestin' anyhow,"[/color] she scoffed to herself, then smirking at Gera as if letting him in on a secret joke. [/center]