At this point in time, Marian wasn’t exactly sure which one was more uncomfortable for Guy, the fact that she was asking for Robert, or the fact that the relationship between the two had moved from calling him by his last name to his first. Even for those in their building, the fact that was using Robert’s first name instead of calling him Locksley would have been a shocker. But… after what she had seen the day before, she had a new found respect for this new Robert Locksley. She led him back to her office and shut the door behind them. After all this time, she could still feel the prying eyes of their coworkers. Of course nothing about this made Marian look good; one day she would be chatting up Guy, and another she would be luring Robert into her office. Maybe she was being a bit too obvious. But for those who watched close enough, they might just notice that Marian had stopped putting noticeable distance between her and Robert, while Guy was traditionally kept at an arm’s length distance. Interesting, very interesting. “So, I get a phone call from my dad this morning, ‘Marian, you need to attend the press party for the Governor this Friday.’” Her voice was nearly spot on mimicking her father in all of his seriousness. “And apparently I’m not allowed to attend alone. So… I was… hoping…”Great! Now she couldn’t even look him in the eye as she asked. Why was this suddenly a problem?! Why was she suddenly shy around him?! This was ridiculous. “You might, want to… go with me?” She forced her blue gaze to look up at him for the first time since her million dollar question was asked.