Serge could feel every muscle in his body tense from the uncomfortable-ness of the situation. She obviously had no idea why he would be uncomfortable, however the more she talked about how little she knew about her father the more difficult he felt the situation had become for him. He hated things like this; he hated being the one to break news like this to someone. Elias was so much better at this crap, maybe he should have kept him on the phone so he could feed information to him. Instead Serge felt like he was standing at a pool for the first time and trying to figure out if climbing down the latter was the best option or jumping right in would be beneficial. He grew up in a well off family being the son of the chief of police and his mom working as a lawyer, he never wanted for anything and enjoyed his parents, both of them. Imagining a life without his parents in it was something that was nearly impossible. Man, this poor girl… his sudden urge to hug her made him loosen his grip on the steering wheel; that must have been hard… and this is going to be the longest 17 minute drive of his life. Five minutes into the drive he opened his mouth to speak once again. “I do not see this as a waste of my time. In fact, I am honored to be doing this.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone. If there is one thing about Serge that was obvious it was that he is a straight forward no-bullshit type of person and that is most likely what has made him such a great leader for his group. “I hope you do not find it a waste of your time. And if you do, than I apologize in advanced.” Seriously… why was this so hard, ‘hey I’m taking you to meet your dad’ isn’t exactly the best route and, at the same time, it seemed like the simplest choice. “If it matters at all,” He began, doing his best to be ‘tactful’ about the situation, “I am sure it would matter to your father that he knew you were alive and well. I couldn’t imagine living my life without my dad….” His voice drug out before he shook his head. “I apologize it is insensitive of me.” Damn it, this was harder than he thought…