[center][h1][b][i][color=87CEFA] Amber May[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4e6386d812032b91c73953f826fbd499/tumblr_o5pd8hwN1U1rqn31vo1_250.gif[/img][/center] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Desh and Claire [@Lady Amalthea], Joel [@Pundii] and Alec [@POOHEAD189] [hr] Amber was attempting to be part of the conversation, or at least she really was, these people seemed like they'd be a bunch of fun. They'd keep things interesting at least. The problem was the weariness of jet lag lulling her to sleep, she never expected it to be so prominent in a short journey but it resulted in this weary feeling eventually. Or perhaps it was her lack of sleep the previous night. Long nights and no booze left a very tired body. She looked around the room, turning to her fellow hotel-stayers as they talked and picking at the food still on the table. She gave a yawn as all talking turned to white noise. She swore she wasn't going to go as far to fall asleep! Unfortunately she did at that table, only lightly so when the scream came she jutted awake sitting straight as a [color=87CEFA]"GAH,"[/color] escaped her lips. Yet, whether of the tiredness that overtook her or lack of knowledge if the matter leading her not to want to intrude Amber stayed planted in her seat, blinking rapudly at the table before her in an attempt to wake up