[center] [h2] Walter Falke[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BMau4QF.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance:[/b] He stand's at around 5'9. Has mildly muscular build to him. Light greyish blonde hair and blue eyes, face covered in a few small scars. His back is covered with a massive burn scar. [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] The word pragmatic comes to mind when describing Walter. He's not one to get emotional over much, especially the loss of human life. If he's getting teared eyed at the sight of a corpse, you can bet your whole life savings that the corpse was once very close to Walter, whether it be friend or family. Now, he's not a sociopath to an extent, and can socialize fairly well, even surprisingly very formal and refined for someone who is a member of Black Company. As such, he's often referred to as the "Middle Man". [b]Backstory:[/b] Walter has served with the Farell Irregulars for most of his career. He originally joined the traditional Farell military at the age of 21 after graduating from the military academy. However, the pay and the treatment ended up being not very preferable for Walter, even as an officer. Thus, he quit three years into his career and joined the Farell Irregulars. He enjoyed the amount of freedom the company gave him and with this newfound freedom and flexibility, excelled as a soldier of fortune. He lead companies of the Regulators in various small wars in skirmishs, distinquishing himself on the battlefield. Some might have called him cruel, as he determined the need to take prisoners based on supplies and facilities rather than human rights or a sense of morality. However, this cold aproach to taking prisoners benifited his soldiers greatly, as they did not have to waste resources when they needed them most. After around six years of service with the Farell Irregulars, he was offered a position in Black Company. He took it immiedatly as it provided him with a new challenge. Once again, he did well in the Black Company, though most of his achievements are fairly secret, much like any of the activities of Black Company. However, he has developed some sort of reputation that boiled down to this: If your an Irregular soldier, this man is you best ally. If your anyone else, watch out, for he might already have plan in place to discreetly make you disappear.... enemy or not. [b]Role in the Farell Irregulars:[/b] A Black Company Officer Current Assignment: "Aid" in the support of the Black Parade in any way deemed fit. Currently attached to Black Company Squad A, "The 1st Wolf Brigade". [/center]