[center][h1]Conablum Labs[/h1][/center] [hr] Over the skies of wennipeg, two aircraft would appear. On their wings would be the emblem of Outward. Trailing behind them would be two tow cables, and between the two would be a net. The two aircraft would circle for a moment, giving themselves time to locate their target. Anything that tried attacking them, they would be shot down in short order. It only took then a few moments, considering all the action going on. The target area would seem to be a bit crowded, with multiple people around besides Cyano. That, was a problem. One that would be fixed easily though. Within seconds, each of the aircraft would fire off a few shots at some still standing debris. The dust and shrapnel would kick up, and cause visibility within the area to drop to next to nothing. And, most likely, scatter the people fighting. And it was with this cover of dust and shrapnel, that they would swoop down. And, just as quickly, the dust would clear. The first thing they would probably notice, was that Cyano was no longer there. (Nor was mortainius, unless he chooses to stay). And, a glance behind them would show that Virals mech would also be gone. Stolen by the two aircraft. Though a quick search of the sky would show them. Though, by now they were much too far away. [@Wraithblade6][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@thewizardguy][@whoeverelse]