[@Alisdragon911] Jumping a little at the small nip of pain James arm loosened and let it rest tentatively at her side. A snake? did she have experience with that or was that just a colloquialism, probably the latter but James couldn't be sure given what he'd just been told. [color=a36209]"Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you"[/color] Clearing his throat James unfolded the small piece of paper, the question was an odd one but nothing he hadn't thought of before. Still it would probably make little sense to someone who was from this world. [color=a36209]"If I could go anywhere in time, I'd probably head back to when the solar sails were being invented on my world there were so many brilliant minds and the chance to know and or even just meet them would be a truly special event"[/color] He paused and stroked his chin thoughtfully [color=a36209]"Would you even want to head there? I mean it is quite a way from your home, but I'm going to guess it's a whole lot easier to answer than the last question"[/color] He then placed his paper and fishbowl on the night stand