[center][h2][color=dbbc60]Daisuke[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/57mE58V.png[/img][/center] [center][@liferusher][@Kitsune][@Lunarlors34][@demonspade64][/center] Daisuke giggled at the playfulness between Avery and Dante, he sees them to be a pretty cute couple. It's still weird for Daisuke to see humans with cat's features, the only time he would see something of the like at home would be otakus wearing them, kind of weird to think about. Avery was confused about the word otaku, almost sounding a little offended by the word, but Aya brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal. He's confused why she keeps using the word, no one ever understands what she means and she has to explain it every time, it must be annoying. [color=dbbc60]"It's just a word she likes to use a lot. If I were you I would try not to be offended by it."[/color] He finds the cat's voice Avery is trying to pull off slightly weird and annoying. Dante has these same features but you don't notice an accent in his voice. It seems a lot like she really badly wants to be one of these cat-human creatures. Yoshinobu had brought Daisuke's cup of water over to him, as well as seconds and booze for Kondo, and a bowl of strawberries for Kyojin, giving him the sweets he asked for. Kondo sure likes to drink a lot, and he barely seems fazed about it. Even if he had a strong tolerance to alcohol, the amount he had drank so far should have gotten him intoxicated, but he's not showing any signs of such a thing. Maybe he has some sort of super power that makes him never get drunk? Of course not, that's absurd. [color=dbbc60]"Thank you, Yoshi. Hey, have you thought of something I could do to pay off the food and drink? I feel horrible about taking these things without paying."[/color] Daisuke was raised to work for everything he receives. He feels horrible about receiving gifts on occasions, but he knows its tradition, and he should accept it. Just accepting things for free all the time makes you into an ungrateful, lazy person. Receiving things feels a lot better when you had to work for it as well. Avery announced she was going to show a magic trick. Daisuke does't necessarily believe in pure magic, but he knows about the art of distractions and escapists. Having amazing skills to do such things like that can make someone appear to be magic, but it's very likely not actual magic, it's more of a deception. But what Avery had done was pretty amazing. Daisuke had seen plenty of magicians 'create doves from air', though that's most definitely not what actually happend. This time though, he observed as the bird formed in her hands, out of completely nowhere. She wasn't hiding it in her sleeve or anything, it just materialized right in front of them. [color=dbbc60]"[i]Sugoi![/i] That's amazing! How is that even possible?!"[/color] Amazed by what he had just seen, Daisuke thought about what she had said before. She mentioned Houdini, who is a world famous escapist magician from his own world. Though Houdini probably wasn't the best magician to example, it was still questionable how she knew about him. Had Houdini come to this world before? Maybe after he died, he woke up in this world. Maybe she is from his world. But she just performed real magic right in front of him, there's no way that's possible for people from his world to do. Someone from this world being able to use magic wasn't completely far fetched though, with all the thing's hes seen this far, but its still amazing. [color=dbbc60]"Wait, you mentioned Houdini? Houdini is from earth! Are you from there too?! How can you use magic if you're from earth?! Does that mean I can use magic too?!"[/color] So many questions were running through his mind, he blurted them all out at once in excitement.