[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [b][u]July 18th, 1910[/u][/b] [b][u]The Serranthian Strait[/u][/b]: Blutlander coast watchers on the Eastern Side of the Strait watch six vessels from the [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Saurilia[/color][/b] enter the straits, headed south through the Strait toward the Faresian Sea. The message was relayed via wireless telegraphy to Blutlandic Serranthia, to the [b]4th Army[/b], which would send the message back to Blutland itself. The vessels identified were: [i]1 auxiliary, 1 destroyer, 2 light cruisers, 1 battleship[/i]. Given Saurilia's distance, the Blutlanders assume the fleet must have left over three weeks ago. [center][img]http://dic.academic.ru/pictures/wiki/files/65/AdmiralMakarov1908-1909.jpg[/img] [i]Saurilian battleship identified by Blutlander coast watchers[/i][/center] [color=green][b][u]Meung Civil War[/u][/b][/color]: While the [b]Imperial White Army[/b] continues to mobilize--a fact that may take nearly two months considering Meung's lack of infrastructure--the Emperor and the General order local garrisons mobilized and sent to their garrisons to maintain order. The garrisons, maintained by regional governors privy to bribes and corruption, are poorly maintained. Village garrisons are made up of young boys and old men, many of them have a myriad of M1902 Schutze, Otto Mark II and even ZLR-012 rifles. The Zellonian ZLR-012 cartridged the Estalian .303, as opposed to the 8mm of the Schutze and Otto Mark II. This different ammunition made maintaining the rifle a logistical pain. [color=orange][b][u]Karalian Uprising[/u][/b][/color]: The [b][color=red]Second Battle of Karalia[/color][/b] continues. The First Armed Battalion, given orders to hold position--find the rebels intensifying fire and utilizing hit and run tactics to keep the soldiers on edge. A few hundred civilians, fearful of fleeing, seek the Saurilians for aid, who take them in. The unfortunate side is that soldiers here are tied up caring for these civilians. During the battle, several rifles are collected from deceased Karalian soldiers and given to General Sjorn in the Market District. Along with his command staff, they determine these Otto Mark II rifles, manufactured in the Kingdom of Blutland, are relatively new and were sent very recently. [hider=Casualties] [list][*][b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Saurilia[/color][/b]: 14 Riflemen [*][b][color=orange]Karalia Provinces[/color][/b]: 16 Militiamen[/list][/hider]