[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/sawl__292291.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][h2]Invitations[/h2][/center] With the upcoming event of the queen's birthday; a ball is in need of planning, music is to be organized, everything needing to be pristine, and most importantly invitations to be sent out. That was the only job that the queen had in front of her right now, planning who to actually invite other than relatives and close friends of course. Close friends... Of course! The Sultan of Seljuk would receive an invitation. Now that the queen had began thinking about it more and more, she had decided to send invitations to many more people; the President of Staratia, the King of the Blutlandians, the Emporer of Tyro-Antaria, and even the rival of Saurilia; the President of Zellonia. Even some rulers of smaller nations were invited; The King of Dongaria and the Cheiftan of Samgola The date of the celebration was planned to be August 9th and the queen could only be excited to see if at least some of these people were to be coming. Details were out into the invitations; formal wear required, gifts are not required, and time of the a all was to take place at 7 PM. [hider=Support] 4 support -Lass Legistlation [6 support] - 2 from Minister of Interior 0 Support remaining [/hider]