[color=thistle][center][h3]Bexley Leahy[/h3] Obstacle course[/center] Bexley pulled herself up and onto the final spinning platform just in time to see Ky'vie grab the ring out of the helmet. She had been close but not close enough to bring any real challenge to Ky'vie, not like Deon, who ran up beside her and snatched the other side of the ring. Bexley sat down, as she caught her breath and watched the two of them. They were impressive, she had to admit that. Physicality had always been her one strength, whether that was throwing a couple punches with some guy who got in her space on the street or free running through the city avoiding monsters. However, these two showed her what training could do and how you should never feel comfortable at the top because someone was always coming up behind. Deon was clearly a little to comfortable at the top as he struck a deal for Ky'vie victory that she had already won. The two of them had probably not seen her sitting there, otherwise Deon might not had made the deal, so Bex made herself known. She stood up and looked at Ky'vie, "You won by a solid second. I saw. So, unless you really want to kiss him. The deal is unnecessary when you have a witness to your victory." Bexley wasn't exactly scared of Deon, although made she should be. There were a lot of campers who didn't want to get on his bad side but to be honest, Bexley couldn't give a flying fuck. To her, he was like a thug on the street corner. Intimidating, yes, dangerous, yes, and would he lash out at you, most likely, but thugs had always bothered Bexley. Sure there were the few had made sure to keep her safe but the few who hadn't... They were assholes and Bexley couldn't help but mesh Deon in there with them. She took a step back, her foot leaving the platform, "Congrats, Ky'vie." Then Bexley fell backwards, it wasn't far though before the air caught her and she floated gently to the ground. She hadn't used to her powers to boost her up on the course at all but it was nice not have to do the course again to get all the way down. Landing on the ground, Bexley released her hair from her ponytail and shook it out. Her hair falling back over her shoulders. She made her way over to Erin and the rest. Bexley was still a little confused by Erin at times. The girl seemed to complain anytime she could about having to teach Bexley how to read but then spun around and would kick anyone's butt who decided to mock her. However, Bexley hung around her all the same as well as the others who had gathered. She gave them all a nod, her little greeting before she took a seat next to Erin, "Ky'vie won," She said simply to the group. [/color] ~ [color=lightcoral][center][h3]Faun Alder and [color=8882be]Liam Alder[/color][/h3] Obstacle course[/center] Faun had finally decided on wearing her hair short with a little today, when she left her cabin. Her brother had left sometime before her, something about not wanting to wait during her debate. She just wanted to make sure that she was looking her best. Besides, she didn't have any intention on doing the obstacle course today. Not yet... She wanted more time to train before she took that thing on. So, when she finally did arrive, she already saw people lying on the ground injured and three people standing at the top before one flew down. Which meant that Bexley had managed to at least make it to the top... Which left Faun a little impressed. She didn't sit on the moment too long before she walked over to Kalinda. She smiled at her friend and slid into the spot next to her, "I can see that you haven't been as busy as usual... Either newbies are getting too scared to try it out or people are getting better that this thing." She smirked, "Hopefully when I finally go at it, you won't have to worry about me." [color=8882be]"You know you need to fail to actually succeed sometimes, Faun,"[/color] Liam, her brother, said as he snuck up behind the two. Faun looked over her shoulder at him and rolled her eyes, "That sounds like something some who fails a lot would say." [color=8882be]"Are you calling me a failure?"[/color] "I'm not not calling you a failure," She said with a grin before turning her attention back to Kalinda, "So, what do you think is happening after the obstacle course?" [/color]