[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [center][b][u]July, 1910[/u][/b][/center] [b][u]July 19th[/u][/b] The [b][color=beige]Seljuk Empire[/color][/b] foreign office calls in Foreign Ambassador Klaus Bader. There, the Seljuk diplomat Janus Bey [b][u]immediately[/u][/b] requested "[i]the return of those dissidents of the Karalian provinces so that they may not add to the chaos of Antari nationalism[/i]." While it was apparent the Seljuk Empire similarly wished for the return of the Karalian rebels to bring them to justice, freeing up ten thousand refugees would help Tyro-Antari turn inward. Furthermore, Ambassador Janus Bey informs Bader that military forces will be moved to the Tyro-Seljuk border to enforce customs laws and ensure Antarian nationalism is kept on it's own side of the [i]Tymar River[/i]. [b][u]July 20th-July 26th[/u][/b] [b][u][color=orange]Karalian Uprising[/color][/u][/b]: The [b][color=red]Second Battle of Karalia[/color][/b] heats up when the Karalians press the attack, emerging in force to attack not the Market District, but rather the single street that allowed the [b]1st Armed Battalion[/b] an open supply line. Given that General Sjorn had made no distinction or troops in reserve, the almost week long firefight ended with the Karalians closing up the street--lining soldiers in the buildings and patrolling the streets in anticipation of a counterattack. The Seljuk Empire maintains it's two divisions around the city, and catches a handful of soldiers attempting to flee northeast to the Tyro-Antarian border. [hider=Casualties] [list][*][b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Saurilia[/color][/b]: 112 Riflemen [*][b][color=orange]Karalia Provinces[/color][/b]: 291 Militiamen[/list][/hider] [b][u]July 27th[/u][/b] The [b][color=maroon]Republic of Zellonia[/color][/b] dispatches three auxiliary merchants from it's shores. Their destination, the brand new Republic of Xian in Faresia. Carrying almost 30,000 ZLR-012 rifles to help the fledgling Republic in it's fight against the Meung Dominion. The ships are not expected to reach the far flung Faresian republic until early September, given the distance. Refueling stops are planned in [i]Southern Serranthia[/i] and [i]Eastern Faresia[/i]. [b][u]July 28th[/u][/b] A vote is brought to bear in the [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Saurilia[/color][/b] over a new bill. The exact nature of the legislature is mostly unknown and a fight breaks out in the Parliament regarding the poor paperwork handled. So confused and distorted was the Saurilian Parliament, few even recalled the [b]name[/b] of the proposed legislature. The Chief Deputy of the Parliament dropped the bill and called the house to order. [b][u]July 30th[/u][/b] A vote begins in Saurilian owned [b]Tsungmao[/b], a coastal city on the edge of the Meung Dominion. The vote is intended to discover the [i]will of the people[/i]. It's estimated to finish around the time of the Saurilian Queen's birthday. The event is marred by disaster from day one, when Saurilians realize that the citizens present--formerly citizens of a two hundred year old monarchy, barely have any understanding of even the basic politics of voting ballots. "Voter" turnout is expected to be less than 5%, and the Governor of Saurilian Tsungmao, Herbert Maus, sends a [b]formal[/b] complaint to the Saurilian Colonial Department citing: [i]the aggravated situation is thus exacerbated by the Queen's Government's insistence on forcing democracy down the throat of a people who have long understood and embraced autocracy. In a city where the colonial police forces are still learning the laws, the government still filing its paperwork, and the military cleaning its rifles, these grand standing parades of 'democracy' do not help.[/i]" [hr] [b]Nations[/b] may now post their [i]August[/i] Productions.