Once she arrived at her office after actively avoiding any agents who may attempt to intercept her, Melanie grabbed her tablet off of her desk. Usually, whenever she sees a patient, Melanie likes to update their electronic data and hard-copy file simultaneously, but today was an exception. If she were to carry everything she had on Lydia to her room for their meeting, then she might as well take the rest of the office over there as well. A minute later, Melanie stepped out again. She picked up the pace a bit as Lydia's panic attacks usually worsened by the minute. The poor woman just couldn't catch a break, and their voyage was just barely getting started. [i]...what in the hell?[/i] Melanie rushed towards her patient, who was now apparently very interested in a protest possibly sparked by the ship's current state of emergency. "Hey, listen, I know that superficially this may feel like it's what you need, but you and I both know you can do better." Melanie placed her free hand on Lydia's back to guide her away from the crowd. She wanted to keep the woman safe, but she also wanted to keep herself safe...and out of trouble. "These incidents are gonna happen, so it's not a matter of [i]if[/i] but rather, [i]when[/i]. Believe me, there's not a single person in this ship that's glad about this mess, but the only thing we can do is work together to move forward as we try our very best to learn from our past." Lydia nodded her head in agreement, but didn't contribute anything further to their conversation. "What do you say we go back to my office? It's just around the corner and it's also closer to Jeff's station. You may even be able to see him as soon as we're done." "That'd be nice," she said with an attempted smile. Melanie knew that mentioning Lydia's husband would cheer her up a little bit as he was one of the main focus points during their sessions. It was a strategy that worked, and for her patient's sake, she hoped that nothing would happen to the man.