[center][color=9e0b0f][h2][b][u]The Republic of Xian[/u][/b][/h2][/color] [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/Random/United_Republic_of_China_flag.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvo-u5pU6jY][b]國民革命成功,國民革命成功[/b][/url][/center] [center][b]The Republic at War[/b][/center] In the immediate days following the coup of the Liaotzu province the newly established Republic immediately went to work in establishing diplomatic connections to the Continental powers and raising funds and soldiers for the coming war with the Dominion, who would surely be right on the heels of the fledgling republic. On July 12th, two days after the Republic's announcement, President Wan-Yen announced that the Republic would, after her victory, honor all agreements held by the Meung Dominion regarding the selling of Tsungmao and other economic contracts held with the Continental powers. In addition the Provisional-President announced the arrangement for the Fumen-Taffington treaty. A treat that, once implemented, would see the new Republic receive military and economic aid from the Republic of Zellonia. Ironically, Xian would also go on to sign a following agreement with Zellonia's rival Blutland to sell the small Xianese navy to the Blutlanders for economic support as well. [hider= Xianese-Blutlander Naval Deal] - The Republic of Xian shall release her 4 Destroyer Vessels and Light Cruiser over to the Kingdom of Blutland. - In return, Blutland shall pay the Republic of Xian $60,000,000 for the aforementioned vessels. [/hider] Within the military crisis had already arisen as the National Revolutionary Army quickly began to disband large amounts of militiamen in a desperate bid to prevent economic crisis within the Republic. By the end of July over a million reservists would be called off and sent home, and the Republic would be greatly outnumbered against her far more massive foe. Amidst the chaos of the disbandings, reports from the Zellonian colony in Leylon state that Xianese men, without uniforms indicating Imperial or Republican loyalties, launched raids into the defenseless borderlands of the colony. Soon after the incident the Republic of Xian denounced the raids as 'Imperial bandits attempting to scar the Republican cause'. After the disbandment chaos the National Revolutionary Army's high command went directly to work with organizing the remaining Republican forces and preparing for a defensive along the western border with the Dominion. The NRAHC recognized that with current economic conditions the Republic was in no position to begin a offensive against the Dominion. Thus, the [b]1st Army[/b] under a joint command group organized and marched from Fumen waving the 6 starred military banner high to joyous crowds. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/National_Revolutionary_Army_troops.png[/img] [i]National Revolutionary Soldiers, circa August 1910.[/i][/center] [hider=1st NRA Army] *The [b]1st NRA Army[/b] is commanded by General Chi Haotian ([i]24/Offensive Minded/Risk Taker[/i]) -- [b]Objectives[/b]: The defense of the eastern frontier while the Republic stabilizes. The utilization of choke-points along coastal paths and the hilly eastern inland is priority as well as the usage of local populace support in establishing base level infrastructure and trench lines. [b]Infantry[/b]: -- 1st National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 2nd National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 3rd National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 4th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 5th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 6th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 7th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 8th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 9th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 10th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 11th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 12th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles [b]Cavalry[/b]: -- 6th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) -- 11th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) -- 12th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) -- 15th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) [b]Artillery[/b]: -- 1st Artillery Division (5,000 men. 14 60mm Glaskanonen Field Guns. 5,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) [b]Engineers[/b]: -- 1st Engineering Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 Otto Mark II Rifles) -- 2nd Engineering Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 Otto Mark II Rifles) -- 3rd Engineering Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 Otto Mark II Rifles) [/hider] [hider=Budget for August] [u]Starting budget[/u] 244,000,000 [u]Money transfer[/u] $300 Million from Zellonia (Fumen-Taffinton Treaty) $60 Million from Blutland (Naval Buyoff) [u]Remaining[/u] 604,000,000 [u]Factory Purchase[/u] 250,000,000 [u]Remaining[/u] 354,000,000 [u]National Debt[/u] 100,000,000 [u]Remaining[/u] 454,000,000 [u]Maintaining Soldiers[/u] Disband 111,000 Soldiers -452,400,000 [u]Maintaining Reserves[/u] Disband 1,250,000 Reservists [u]Maintaining Field Guns[/u] 250,200 [u]Zellonian Leylon Raid[/u] 72,000,000 [u]Remaining[/u] -26,000,000 [/hider] [hider=Political Clout] Spend 2 Support - $100 Million Debt [/hider]