[@Tyki][@supertinyking] [center][h2] - Rhemus, Dark Angels - [/h2][/center] Sighing, Rhemus resorted to his physical sight. This creature was almost as bad as a blank. Or a Tyranid. It seemed to suppress any background energy around it, and scientifically speaking it was rather amazing it had any colour other than black. Although it's vanity might have caused it to allow physical light to escape it, merely to ensure it looked like anything other than an obsidian blob. Prolonged exposure might be uncomfortable, but Rhemus had been well trained to avoid such hazards, and he knew better than to extend his thoughts in the direction of the creature. "Rest assured, there are many ways to deal with creatures such as yourself. You are not the first beings to have been killed, believing itself impervious." At this point the creature's arrogance had become a constant nagging annoyance, in addition to an odd snappiness, which appeared to be Rhemus' natural emotional response to the draining effect. It was just another thing he would need to suppress, thought Rhemus, as they started their ascent. Meanwhile, Martin went on a bit of a ramble, probably a hefty release of adrenaline after a day of constant looming death. Had Rhemus not been trained to lack such emotions, he might have felt sympathy for the strange little mutant. It even deluded the creature into threatening the Imperium, something the librarian saw fit to ignore. "Be aware, that if your station is found to attack members of the Imperium, it will most likely be destroyed. I would advise you keep this in mind. I cannot guarantee what the Adeptus Mechanicum will do to your station, but at the very least it will be thoroughly searched, and your nuke disabled. We cannot have rampant bombs on the loose, and most certainly not in Imperial airspace. Most likely.... Suzi.... will also be disconnected from the system, although she will not be harmed in any way. AI is considered here-" Rhemus swallowed his own tongue, seeming to turn pale for a brief moment before regaining his composure. The other marines exchanged knowing glances as Rhemus quite literally choked on his own words. "Ugh. I mean, it is considered dangerous to connect AI to important systems, as they are considered unreliable. If your words are true, your AI friend might be classified as a sentient mind in a different form, a non-artificial intelligence being kept in digital format. While I admit that I am not an expert on modern Imperial law, this might allow her to bypass the AI laws. But you will need to take such things up with the Adeptus Administratum." The word 'heresy' had recently dramatically decreased in usage by the Dark Angels. When they had first emerged into this world and found their Emperor resurrected, they had been overjoyed. Unfortunately it appeared there had been some errors in the old Imperium's interpretation of His word, and He had felt the need to condense over a thousand years of fatherly disappointment in a mere few days. This had left the marines rather distraught, but dedicated in following His NEW word, and trying to compensate for their apparent lack of understanding in the last 10.000 years. As for the station, it mattered little whether or not the security resisted. The Adeptus Mechanicum was stunningly persistent, and at best he'd get the place bombed before they examined the scrap. Not that he thought it would come to that, considering the fact that the Salamanders might be deployed to deal with this. A small group of those would easily deal with any enemies within, and he doubted the minor stun weapons would have any real effect on Astartes in the first place. But it was the mutant's right to try and defend his home, and Rhemus was not going to get into another argument. Besides, this was a good time to see what the creature's judgement would be, faced with the odds as they were.