Hello and good day, evening, morning, or night! Allow me to introduce myself; I am Snake Face, a young college student and athlete who also has a deep passion for literature and deeply written books, Roleplays, and so on.I have been text based roleplaying for over five years now and I am also a recreational avid fandom and short story writer. I'm also a major video game nerd who has a wide taste of variety, everything from Total War to Call of Duty to Grand Theft Auto to Command and Conquer and even some sports video games!So I'm sure to have something in common interest with you! Now, on with why I am here; here recently I've been having a Medieval and Renaissance era crave, and would like to create a Medieval era RP. In this RP, you will create a single character, wether it be a knight, a prince or princess, a king or whatever you wish.But please let me know what you want to create so I can approve it. So here we go... [b]SETTING[/b] I have [b]3[/b] different settings in mind: •1071-A large scale RP where the map stretches from the British Isles to Baghdad, so in other words, all of Europe, parts of Africa, and the Middle East. •1250,The British Isles-A smaller RP centered around England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and the invading Norweigan Vikings.The plot would be centered around the Welsh and Irish resistance while tension grows between the English and the Scottish, all while the Norweigans begin their conquest of the British Isles. •1250-Eastern Europe(Germany,Russia,Denmark,Lithuania,Poland,Hungary, and Norway)-This RP will be centered around the Teutonic Knights and their bloody campaign against Lithuania, the last of the pagan kingdoms, and their surrounding neighbors.With the Holy Roman Empire and Poland backing the Teutonic Knights. [b]MAP(s)[/b] An Adequate map will be provided once we have picked out which scenario to base the RP off of. [b]GAME MECHANICS[/b] I was inspired to do this RP by the PC strategy game Medieval 2 Total War and the Kingdoms expansion pack.So I'll be drawing elements and mechanics and whatnot from there.If you have never played Total War PM me or comment and I'll give you full detail, don't be shy! :p [b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b] In order to get a character sheet, you will have to tell me what kind of character you want to create and then I'll provide you with a custom CS befirting of your character. [b]THE KIND OF RP PARTNERS IM LOOKING FOR[/b] -Preferably someone within the United States, where at though does not matter.I find it hard to RP efficiently with Europeans and other foreign RP'ers due to the time zone difference. -Someone who writes in advanced or at least casual style. -Someone who's not going to get bored and just quit or dissapear on me.If you get bored with or tired of an RP I find it better to take a little break instead of just quitting all together. [b]Alright, that's everything, I await eagerly for responses! :D[/b]