[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/sawl__292291.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][h2]New Commands[/h2][/center] With how the military currently handles itself, it is a rather dull state where orders can constantly get confused with being passed down the chain of command which generally is not seen as good. That is why, some military theorists have gotten together to form a new way that Saurilian officers can pass orders down through the chain of command. By coming up with short phrases that could repeat the same order but in a clearer fashion as to avoid confusion, these men have seemingly begun making headway to making the military more competent. While the radicals may not agree with an increase in military spending to support this reform for the Officers, the government has simply went over the complaints without as much as batting an eye to them. The government has its eyes on seeing a newer and better military form that wil allow its soldiers the chance to act efficiently within the ranks. [hider=Budget] [b]Treasury[/b] $9,000,000 [b][u]MONTHLY PRODUCTION[/u][/b] -- [[b]Hungmao Textile Firm[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Hgorn Design Firm[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Hgorn Design Firm[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Copperhead Industries[/b]] - [[b]Industrial Factory[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Steamer Trade[/b]] - [[b]Steamer Trade Ships to Seljuk, Blutland, and Tyro-Antaria[/b]] - [[b]50 steamers[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$50,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Taxes[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$12,000,000[/i]] [b]Total Income:[/b] $471,000,000 [hr] [b]Maintenance[/b] [i]Running Factories[/i] - $100,000,000 [i]Paying Soldiers[/i] - $268,136,000 [i]Paying Reservists[/i] - $60,000,000 [i]Ship Maintenance[/i] - $29,160,000 [i]Artillery Maintenance[/i] - $360,000 [i]Aviation Maintenance[/i] - $24,000 [b]Total Maintenance[/b] - $457,910,000 [b]Budget Remaining[/b] - $13,090,000 [hr] [b]Support[/b] = 4 [b]Militarism[/b] = 6 [i]Treaty of Ashland[/i] (NAP Treaty with Blutland) {4 - 4 = 0 support Remaining} [i]Army Reform (Clear Orders Doctrine)[/i] ( 12% increase in efficiency costing 4 militarisim = 4 militarism remaining ) [hr] [b]Actions[/b] [i]Payment to Blutland[/i] - $6,000,000 [b]Treasury / Remaining Money[/b] = $7,090,000 [/hider]