[h1] [center] Republic of Zellonia [img] http://i.imgur.com/AVGmlw5.jpg [/img] [/center] [/h1] [h2] [center] Friendly Negotiations [/center] [/h2] After the original meeting with the Samgola Chieftan, Trellis knew the hopes were high. As such he and his cabinet pushed to get the samgola people with them providing them with a guarantee of independence especially as the empire of Sessu has yet to recognize them as a full empire [h2] [center] Colonization Efforts [/center] [/h2] Once again the Zellonia efforts to maintain colonial expansionism has been allowed due to the budgetary constraints as such the rest of Suryana will be colonized in the name of the Republic. [h2] [center]Republic of Xian Treaty[/center] [/h2] While a treaty was made not more than merely a month ago. The recent raid upon the zellonian colony has made the government question their new found alliance. Zellonia plans to send a full investigation forces to find out what really happen and depending on what’s uncovered further actions will be taken. [hider=Production] [[b]Factory 1[/b]] - [[b]Armsl[/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]100,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 3[/b]] - [[b] Automobile [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]100,000 [/i]] [[b]Factory 4[/b]] - [[b] Arms [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]100,000,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 5[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 6[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 7[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] [[b]Factory 8[/b]] - [[b]Textile [/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Budget] Starting Budget 751,000,000 Active Soldier 100,000 men Costing 1,000 each costing a total 100,000,000. 10 light cannons costing 10,000 Active Navy 33 Destroyers costing 7,920,000 4 Submarines costing 720,000 22 Light Cruisers costing 6,600,000 11 Armoured Cruisers costing 5,280,000 12 Coastal batteries costing 8,400,000 9 Dreadnoughts costing 18,000,000 Entire navy costing 47,160,000 50 Merchent ships cost 5 mil but making 50 mil evening 45 mil. Running the Factories costs 175,000,000 Remaining for July 515,000,00 Purchases Buying Northern Surayana for 496,000,000 leaving 19,000,000 Saving 19 million. [/hider] [hider= Politics] 2 militarism will be spent to improve national spirit in the army. Use 3 support to guarantee the the independence of Samgola. Use 2 support to Sphere the Nation of Samgola [/hider]