[@thewizardguy] Mithias nodded to Dave in acknowledgement of his introduction and continued to hold his finger aloft. Vulkan's expression became grave, yet the vampire held his offer open patiently. Only the blood itself could tell Vulkan what he really wanted to know, and it was not something that could be discovered in a lab. Mithias remained silent and straight faced as Vulkan spoke, for he too was serious. When Vulkan tasted the blood sample, he wasn't the only one affected. For a second, Mithias was able to sense the giant's life force, and it was immense. His lips parted in quiet awe as he watched. Satisfied with the reaction he saw, Mithias in kind ate the cookie he had been holding. A few crumbs tumbled to the floor. Mithias had all but forgotten what food tasted like. It was... sweet, but not only in flavor. Kindness had been baked into that treat, or perhaps it was the ex-human's imagination. Nevertheless, he felt like it was so. Inhaling sharply, Mithias straightened. Just as he had promised, no harm had been done to the primarch, and now he could respond. "It will be as you say. For the duration of this war, we are allies and you are my commander, nothing more and nothing less." He spoke flatly, professionally. "Take another blood sample from me for your scientists if you must, although I doubt you will learn much more." Mithias knew he in no position to stop them anyhow, for as much as he was currently a part of the Imperial army, he was also partly a refugee and a captive. That fact didn't need to be given voice however. Vulkan left and Dave spoke up. Together they went through a portal to the armory, probably one of numerous armories. To Mithias, the weapons were large and fantastical. Most of them were fit for the huge hulking metal-clad beasts that once claimed to be mere humans that staffed much of the Imperial territory. They were unbelieveably powerful and amazing, but clearly made for a melee combatant with heavy armor. Although it would amplify his strength to untold level, the gauntlet would ruin the vampire's dexterity. The chainsaw swords were heavy and slow and definitely not Mithias' thing. Frowning the vampire glanced his yellow eyes at Dave and kept walking, searching for something he could potentially make use of. He ended up taking two energy swords to replace his own and strapped a fairly sizeable bolter gun to his back. "Implants?" Mithias asked as he was figuring out how to carry the gun on his person. "So, your people are chimeras? I suppose that's a better term than Frankenstein monsters. Wait a minute...." Mithias froze and looked up woth a heavily quirked eyebrow. He whispered mostly to himself, "...what the hell is a 'Franken...' erm, you know what? Nevermind. Sometimes I say things that even I don't remember where it came from." He went back to examining the weapon. "Dave. Give me an update on what's going on outside. Have Alucard or those creatures shown up anywhere since my arrival?" I am also ready to meet your men." Mithias got up and stood in front of Dave, looking upward at him. "Hey, I've got some pretty powerful telekinesis and I can start fires. Don't judge me for my size."