[h1][color=#D138FF]Y[/color][color=#BF4AFA]u[/color][color=#AD5CF6]n[/color][color=#9B6EF1]a[/color] [color=#7792E9]C[/color][color=#66A4E4]a[/color][color=#54B6E0]s[/color][color=#42C8DC]t[/color][color=#30DAD7]l[/color][color=#1EECD3]e[/color][/h1] [img]http://hdwallpaperbackgrounds.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Beautiful-Girls-Images-5.jpg[/img] [color=D138FF]இChosen Nameஇ[/color] Yun [color=#7792E9]இAgeஇ[/color] 17 [color=#7792E9]இGenderஇ[/color] Female [color=#7797E9]இOrientationஇ[/color] Bisexual [color=#7792E9]இFormer♤[/color] Third [color=#30DAD7]இAffinitiesஇ[/color] Water and Knives [color=#3498DB]இBioஇ[/color] Yuna never really had a father around as she was growing up and her mother dropped out of high school at the age of 17. Her mother was always over protective over her daughter, so when the girl came home with a strange, the woman practically freaked. The two weren't allowed by themselves and when they asked why her mother said that it was due to them being different genders. Little did Yuna know that her mother knew the man beside her. He was a teacher from a very special school, as well as her uncle, so when her mark started to show the woman practically flipped out. The girl was disowned and slowly became the strange friend around the place, which was when her uncle packed her things and sent her to House of Night in Seattle. Speak color is [color=fuchsia]fuchsia[/color]