Phoebe gave Tsura a smile, and a hug. "You'll be okay. Everyone was in the same boat, once" She smiled again, and looked to Katherin as well. "Anyway, I have a lunch meeting with Dad, so I'll catch you two in gym" Phoebe said, giving them both a smile, rising to go. She made good time, and ended up in her fathers office a little early, just in time to swing Clark Kent and Tony stark leaving. She gave them a friendly smile, and entered the office. Phoebe had spent many hours in this office, the last few weeks especially. Just spending time with her father. And, sometimes, her mother joined them. There were times when it seemed to Phoebe that they were just a normal family. Her parents could hide it all they wanted, but the casual touches, the subtle glances, told her that they loved each other. And...her. She studied her father, frowning slightly at what she saw. "I'm not foolish dad. And I am your daughter. You don't think I haven't put together my own portfolio on what's going on out there? And who attacked the school, today? Ryan and I have been putting it together the last few weeks, we're our fathers children after all." Bruce turned to face his only child, the daughter be watched grow up from afar. The girl who had given him pride, as in all her endeavors she had succeeded. Who had known her own mind, and come to the school, had left with her mother, and then had known where she was needed. Who even now, was doing what she thought was best for the academy and her fellow students. "Sometimes I see you as the little girl on her fifth birthday, just learning about her powers. You've grown so much, Phoebe. And every day I'm more proud of you then I ever have been" Phoebe gave an almost abashed smile, "I had a poster of you, when I was a kid. I don't think that's a coincidence, now. I've had that poster since I was five. Mum sent it with the letter. It's hanging up on the wall in my apartment. Sometimes...looking at it made me think...somewhere out there, someone was watching. They cared enough to send me that letter and poster. I know why you did what you did. With the treaty, all the villains who hadn't signed would have gone after me to use against you. I'm just glad to...know now. But I'm not that little girl anymore. I have to figure out where I belong in this world of being normal and being a hero. We both know I could have graduated at the end of the year, last year. And we both know I stayed because we wanted that closeness, but Dad, we've had that all summer. I want to use this year to figure out who I'm going to be out there, how I'm going to juggle being a...well, being your daughter, being a wife, and a career woman, with being a hero. I want to use this year to refine Devil's snare, and be the best hero I can be. You need to stop treat me, and the other students, like we can't handle what's going on. We'll be okay, dad. We've had the best teaching us" She gave her father a hug, holding him close, and smiling happily when he enfolded her into his warmth, his sturdiness. She stepped back after a moment, and said with a bright smile, "So shall I share what I have, or should you share what you have?" [hr] Connor stopped, and turning, he enfolded Kijani into a hug. Everything that had happened, the end of the year...Connor still thought what would have happened, if he hadn't gotten her message. If he hadn't known what to do. "Sweetheart, I've seen who you are, without agendas. You never had any with me. Actually, I was the one with the agenda there" He said, giving her a smile, "Although I didn't expect to be taught that two minute noodles suck" He was hoping to make her smile, and take her away from the demons of the previous year. "You're an amazing person." He said softly, not letting her go just yet. "And yes, Video games are pretty cool. Just Dance? Is that the one?" [hr] Kalinda made a sound as Kyle stood up, an almost pathetic mewing sound like a cat disturbed, before stretching out, watching his theatrics. She smiled, and nodded when Violet spoke to her. "yeah" She said softly, to herself. "He does" And wasn't that something? "I reckon she was here for the stuff before" She said as violet ran off, "Or she wouldn't bewanting to know about the school" She gave a shrug, and managed to stand without falling flat on her face. [@Mistress Dizzy][@RumikoOhara][@Wick][@KatherinWinter]