Very WIP. Will be finishing this tomorrow when I get off work. [hider=REPENT IN THE NAME OF THE GOD EMPEROR] Appearance [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ardias Civatte [b]Age:[/b] 67 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Former Occupation:[/b] Adeptus Ministorum, Confessor [b]Equipment:[/b] Hades Pattern Mk III Assault Flamer Mk VI "Fang" Chainsword Book of Saint Lucius Servo Skull "Tobias" [b]Notable Events:[/b] (These are events in your character's life that have made you special and lead you to be selected for the inquisitor's retinue) [b]Time With Inquisitor:[/b] How long has the God Emperor Himself watched over us? [/hider]