Okay, let's start off with the peeps. [@SouffleGirl123] - This girl right here, you all know what she means to me. There's no more to explain here. She's amaze-balls, I tell ya. Were hardly ever apart here on RPG and I seriously would have it no other way. She makes me smile at times even when I thought it wasn't possible for me to do so. Most of the time, I couldn't even make it through the day without her. Most people would respond to that with a sarcastic 'but you've never even met her' and I would tell them to shut their whore mouths. Her and cheese are my true OTP. [@Lady Amalthea] - Hmmm... what to say about this woman... Well, she was basically Senpai for the absolute LONGEST time. As I've said many of times before, I have learned so much just by watching the way she does things. Her GM-ing is basically flawless with the way she handles things. Somehow, someway, she manages to enjoy mine and Sis's spam, something that I will forever love her for. Meanwhile, the fact that she claims to be y RPG mom? Icing on the cake, guys. [@Wade Wilson] - This little shit is the bomb. We might not talk all that often, but when she bumps into me on the Spam threads: <3. Her characters are well thought out pieces of freaking [i]art.[/i] Her writing skills are amazing. I'm telling you, if she stays creative and just as lovely as she is now, she's going places. I WILL ALWAYS SHIP YOU AND HALSEY BOO! [@Altered Tundra] - Huh... I'm pretty sure I've only ever actually been in one RP with dude once, in which I learned he's not only good for annoying in order to get fancy new signatures and being a major goof, but also for having great writing skills. [@megatrash][@Buddah] - I am currently in a RP with Buddah, and his writing is just freaking amazing. Trash's smack talk with him in the status threads can be a [i]bit[/i] annoying at times, but I practically live to see what they will come up with the next day. [@ayzrules] - This girl here has been there all three times that I have posted my dearly beloved RP 'When Royalty Collides' and all three times, I have learned something new. She also has amazing writing skills! She's like... one of the queens of Polyvore and forever will she be my fashion consultant. Probably a lot more, but this is just to name a few. <3