Name: Aethelred Age: 25 Race: human Side: Armanian Union Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: honorable, loyal, brave and true Backstory: he was born to a common family with a rich history of great warriors, and from when he could walk Aethelred dreamed of becoming a warrior just like the ones from legend. the village he grew up in had yet to be touched by the war with tribes of orces, but one day his home was raided by the orces and his family was killed, he only survived because his father and mother gave him and his siblings a chance to run before the orces could get to them. but a rain of arrows killed his siblings as well, and it was a pure miracle that he did not join them in the death. with his family gone, Aethelred dedicated his life to being a great warrior and defending his home from the orce hordes. Weapon: his [url=]Longsword[/url] has special powers which allows it damage evil entities and objects with holy magic Magics: none Other: he loves practicing his skills in the art of combat. Strength: he is incredibly skilled with a blade and the arts of war. he is very tough and will try to muscle his way through any battle to achieve victory. Weakness: he lacks defense against most magic and is no good when it comes to stealth and he is very honorable which makes it very hard for him to use trickery.