[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/sawl__292291.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][h2]Ashland Pact[/h2][/center] After many hours of discussion about the well being of both Blutland and Saurilia, having shared ideals and the general samed attidute towards one particular nation of Zellonia, two diplomats, a Jakob Krahl and Anders Sjöberg, have formulated a Non-Agression Pact between the two nations that would last for three years. The two diplomats signed in the saurilian city of Ashland, afterwards the two shook hands and acknowledged on another as formal friends for the time being. [center][h2]Support of Xian[/h2][/center] While the Empire shall remain neutral within the conflict of this new independence war, that does not mean that the Empire will not be rooting for a side. As of August 8th, the queen of Saurilia has come out with a public statement to state what Saurila veiws on this situation. [i]"While Saurilia has long been known to despise rebels of any kind, and we may not be a republic even if we do practice small-scale democracy, have chosen to recognize Xian as an independent nation. We refuse to get involved in this war until further notice, we do hope that this war is over quickly so that a loss of life will not be present.[/i] [hider=Support] [b]Recognize Xian[/b] = +4 support [/hider]