[@Wick][@Caits][@dabombjk] Jasper tilted his head as his brother and violet approached. Concern was clear on the younger brother. He then watched Kyle do a flip and do his speech he lightly created a ball of fire and it was about to move to Kyle and spin around him until a large blown of water landed on Jasper. Now wet he huffed at Hachi who's lip twitched. A sign of a smile. As soon as violet left Jasper went to Hachi and let him lean. Hachi still looked a tad uncomfortable to be talking to people but he tilted his head. He choose not to comment when Kyle said somewhere private while Jasper snickered somewhat. Hachi took the paper and blinked. Did he just make a friend.[color=pink]"Thank you."[/color] Jasper, still supporting Hachi grinned at Kyle. [color=orange]"Dude we will totally hang"[/color] Hachi was faking it good but it was starting to be more obvious that his ankle was hurting. It was still bruised and still a bit swollen. He was also leaning quite a bit on his brother who was supporting him with ease. It was clear that Hachi was not one to be emotional or let people know that he was in pain.