[centre][b] [h3]Invasion of the planet Proth 76[/h3] [/b][/centre] [centre] [img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=4&c1=2&c2=0&c3=2&o=6&c4=0&s=16&c5=2[/img] [/centre] Proth 76, once an Arid wasteland populated by hulking beasts and bloodthirsty predators that could withstand the harsh environment on the planet’s surface. Recently colonised by a small but expanding galactic nation looking to make a name for themselves, the Aluzia Dynasty, the planet is now home too a good number of densely populated cities, mining operations and military installments. Despite being part of a fledgling nation, the planet boasted a fairly modern defense station in orbit, but it was small and held a smaller group of ships without much experience ready to defend the planet. They were not ready for what was coming. A full fleet, seemingly out of nowhere, warped in with flashing white light around the planet. The fleet consisted of a Super-Fortress, three Goliath class ships, three Dreadnaughts, and a number of smaller destroyers and corvettes. All of the ships wore the Alorian flag on the side with great pride as they immediately converged on the lone orbital defense station. An officer on the Bridge of the Super-Fortress hastily made her way to a seated Selene, who was looking out towards the planet. “General, the Aluzians down their are trying to make contact on Nineteen different frequencies. Do we answer?” Selene shook her head nonchalantly, “Ignore them”. She said. “I want all Goliaths and Dreadnaughts focusing all fire on the Orbital station. I want the Destroyers and the Corvettes getting a little closer to engage any ships trying to depart from the station. Including Civilian”. She said. Within moments the entire fleet opened fire, lines of bright colour and explosions erupting as the Alorians attacked. The Aluzians fired back, but with much less force. Such a large fleet was unnecessary for the capture of a world so small and undefended, and it begged the question, what was so important about Proth 76 that warranted so much effort on the Alorian side of things? A year prior to the invasion of Proth 76, a new mineral called Araandite was discovered on an Alorian fringe world. It was deemed a ‘miracle substance’ by the scientists who discovered and studied it in as much depth as they could with the little amount they had. The substance could be used as an extremely good fuel, it was easy to use, and it cost very little to extract as well as being worth a ridiculous amount of money. The only problem? Araandite so far had only been found on Arid type planets, which cut the number of potential planets it could be found on massively. Another problem was that it was only found on one in a million of these Arid planets, which made it an extremely rare but extremely valuable Substance. Unfortunately for the Aluzians, they were sitting on an abundance of it, and the Alorians wanted what they had. A careful invasion of the planet was planned by the Queen and her Generals. The planet was already littered with mining operations, meaning less money would have to be spent setting them up. It only took an hour for the combined forces of the fleet to fire enough so that the stations shields fell. Thirty more minutes of constant firing and a desperate defense from the Aluzians before the stations fell apart, and just a small number of ships were left scattered to defend. It was mostly Destroyer class ships that got up close to clean up the mess, another four hours taken before the last of the ships were too inevitably fall. “The ground invasion begins in an hour. I want all ships prepped and ready. No damage is to be done to [b]any[/b] mining stations on the surface. Civilian casualties do not matter to the Queen, just get it done”.