[@Vaso] Understandable, that was one of the things that drove me to forum Rp over TTRPG - Easier to find a group around here. There are several DnD styles right now. Since you are new to the whole forum game I would suggest starting out in either Free or Casual Sections to get a hang of things. Don't be intimidated though by any of the posts or Cs's around if you run across some longer ones. Just find what fits for you. The biggest thing is finding the right fit. Some Gm's are much more lax than others, others are just down right pains in the ass and evil GM Overlords (I'm one of the hard asses around here.) I run Duplicity, DnD style, always open if you want to take a gander, link is in my signature; but there are many others as well. A quick search will give you a lot of help. Also since you are new, check the tutorials section near the bottom of the forum - there is a lot of information there. All else fails, ask. Myself and many others have no problem giving a hand and answering any questions if you just want to drop a pm.