Quite the number of days passed by, a week in fact as air traffic had picked up. Word spread of the Missing Princess of Alexandria. Search ships and security measures all around the Country had picked up. It would seem going straight to Lindblum by ship would be a bad idea given the fact the Tantalus' Prima Visa was damaged, easily identifiable. A Conference was being held in the bridge. "Monica, what have you gathered from the Aetherite Crystal Communication Network...?" Cassius stood near a window as Baku took to the clouds. "Right... So Brahn has announced the deliberate poisoning of her men... non lethal, but poisoned none the less... The Inari's Den has been burned down. She believes they are tied together... Missing Fortune Teller at large." Monica took a breath before looking to Hitori and Itzel. "It would seem you're being taken interest to now that you're gone." Monica did not stutter, but she took a breath. "The 'Lion' has gone missing... Feared to have conspired with the Kidnappers... except this is a very political mission... But Garnet... What exactly did your mother do to... Send for your Uncle's hand?" Garnet took a breath as she stepped forward near the wheel, then turning to face everyone in attendance. "To be quite honest with you, the man known as Kuja has been having talks with Mother. The kind of talks that I fear influences her attitude... And it is no good when your kingdom does not take it seriously past a rumor... Her compassion hasn't died for her country. This I can attest to. But her sense of truth seems to wane around me; she cannot seem to answer exactly what her and Kuja speak of... But she has stated 'What he shall give to Alexandria will make borders be safer, and our borders will grow larger.' Which... I believe will mean she will go to war... I fear she only aims to capture us to silence me." Garnet nodded to her Guardian. Cassius rubbed his forehead. Surprisingly he wasn't wearing his battle gear. A Very casual robe where he let his hair down. It was a Midnight blue robe with crescent Moon pendent around his neck. His face had quite a few scars; they were hard to see, but one could spot them with a watchful eye. There was Grey and White Ascents to his attire as well. His wavy hair was parted by his hand, his Hazel-Green eyes looking forward as he paced closer. "So to get this straight, This situation was already blasted even before we started? Which... Means we need to get to Lindblum as soon as possible without Alexandrian interference... As well as Inform Bermecia... Normally I'd make a payment joke... But this is a serious matter..." Cassius crossed his arms. Baku shook his head. "Right, so I might know a way to get there, but I tell ya lads and lassies, it might not be that practical... Aye... We're going to drop you lot at Dali... You make yourselves closer to Treno by taking a gate, and from there ya go south... Away from the Mountains. A Lift like Tram will take ya down further south, from there ya go to Lindblum. If I fly there in this, Air Traffic will inform that it was with the Regent, and... The rest is history from there..." Cassius let out a groan. "This situation is getting worse by the second. In short, if this vessel is seen in as much as close as such a major city, they're going to use any siting they of us... and report back using the network. And by the sounds of it, this bounty is getting bigger by the second... I'm almost afraid to question what Weapon she has being made interdependent of the countries... I doubt it is for mist based monsters either..." Monica took a breath. "I take it I'm supposed to follow you lot, seeing as I can gain us entry to Lindblum from the gate Checkpoints... They'd not deny a Research Development Explorer access. You all can be my "Adventuring" party. And then we get in safe and sound." Garnet nodded, she liked this plan. "Alright, I can agree to that. My job is to keep you alive anyways." Cassius stated to Monica. "Just try not to get in the way of a fight if one happens is all I ask of you... You don't even know how to use a gun." Cassius snickered. "Aye, that be true. But you're not the best blade, you're just resourceful." She placed her index finger over her mouth as a grin formed, the two had a brief chuckled. Garnet smiled at this exchange. She looked to Karn, Itzel, Wylde, Hitori, Ritsu, Perrin and her Guardian. "Safe to say you've all reached an agreement?"