[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [center][img]https://s13.postimg.org/6j98g0pon/Meung_Civil_War.png[/img] [i]Meung Civil War, 1910[/i][/center] [b][u]August 9th, 1910[/u][/b] [b][color=green]Meung Civil War[/color][/b]: The [b]Xianese 1st Army[/b] has sallied to the South under General Chi Haotian. With almost it's entirety sent along the coastal paths and utilizing natural choke points, it's poised to strike out toward the city of Dading, a hub for trade between Southwest Faresia and the Meung Dominion. The Dominion itself meanwhile, continues to mobilize--a process prolonged mostly due to poor infrastructure. The basic posts have been manned, with elements of the [b]1st, 15th, 22nd[/b] and [b]55th[/b] armies continuing to mobilize. The Meung's fates continues to be in poor health, as the commander of the [b]15th Army[/b] based out of the army garrison at Sungiao was late to his assembly area and when the guards checked on him, found him dead in his sleep. Similarly, the General of the [b]22nd Army[/b]--when arriving to the assembly area south of Tieli was found to be drunk and high on opiates. Elements of the Imperial Security Agency took him away, and he was replaced with a junior commander--Zhu Peng, barely thirty years old. The War Department of the Dominion sends out a post indicating all mobilization must be completed for offensive operations by August 20th. [hider=1st Army Order of Battle] *The 1st NRA Army is commanded by General Chi Haotian (24/Offensive Minded/Risk Taker) -- Objectives: The defense of the eastern frontier while the Republic stabilizes. The utilization of choke-points along coastal paths and the hilly eastern inland is priority as well as the usage of local populace support in establishing base level infrastructure and trench lines. Infantry: -- 1st National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 2nd National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 3rd National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 4th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 5th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 6th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 7th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 8th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 9th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 10th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 11th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles -- 12th National Revolutionary Regulars (10,000 men. 10,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles Cavalry: -- 6th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) -- 11th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) -- 12th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) -- 15th Cavaliers Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) Artillery: -- 1st Artillery Division (5,000 men. 14 60mm Glaskanonen Field Guns. 5,000 M1902 Schutze Rifles) Engineers: -- 1st Engineering Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 Otto Mark II Rifles) -- 2nd Engineering Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 Otto Mark II Rifles) -- 3rd Engineering Brigade (4,000 men. 4,000 Otto Mark II Rifles)[/hider] Fortune smiles on the Xian, if not for the day, when the Meung Dominion commander Tan Lun arrives in the army camp of the [b]1st Army[/b] and officially defects to the Xian. While not a senior officer in the [b]Imperial Army[/b], he has exclusive knowledge of the geography and terrain of the Dominion, which General Chi Haotian can utilize to his advantage if necessary. The defection of Tan Lun also offers up the opportunity of his services at $500,000 a month. [center][img]http://i2.wp.com/militaryhistorynow.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Chinese-Labour-Corps.jpg[/img] [i]Meung defector Tan Lun (seated, front left) and several compatriots, 1910[/i][/center] [b][u]August 11th[/u][/b] The [b]1st Armed Battalion[/b] of the [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Saurilia[/color][/b] begins a breakout toward Seljuk lines out of the Karalian capital. During the early morning hours, they come across fifteen Seljuk soldiers, remnants of the [b]99th Rifleman Platoon[/b]. During the meet up, they inform the Saurilians of the impending artillery barrage. The firefight intensifies and during fighting in the mid-afternoon, General Sjorn is shot in the back. Though not killed, it's assumed he'll die within the next day if not given proper care. The remnants of the [b]1st Armed Battalion[/b] and the [b]99th Rifleman Platoon[/b] begin their break out attempt. [b][u]August 12th[/u][/b] During the early morning hours of August 12th, 55 of the 70 Seljuk field guns open up. The artillery barrage, lasting five and a half hours displaces over 750 shells across the Karalian city. The [b]99th Rifleman Platoon[/b] and the [b]1st Armed Battalion[/b] emerged from the city within minutes of the barrage starting. The news was dire: -- Out of 40 men, the [b]99th Rifleman Platoon[/b] reported it's platoon sergeant killed, 29 killed and 3 wounded. -- Out of 10,000 men, the [b]1st Armed Battalion[/b] reported General Sjorn had passed away, and a total casualty rating of 3,192 dead, 1,099 wounded. General Mahmed of the [b][color=beige]Seljuk 2nd Army[/color][/b] immediately orders the medical unit and Engineer Corps to tend to the wounded and give whatever aid they can. He passes word on to command--via messenger--that General Sjorn of the [b]1st Armed Battalion[/b] had died and requested word on what to do with the body. Word would not reach the capital, Hamdas, for several days. [b][u]August 14th[/u][/b] 48,000 M1902 Schutze rifles--the most popular and common in the world--are finished and sent, via horse carriage--to outstanding Tyro-Antarian military units throughout the empire. With over 900,000 rifles at their disposal now, the Tyro-Antarian Army is becoming quite the military force. [b][u]August 15th[/u][/b] In the heart of the Continent, [i]the Troubles[/i]--so called due to their ubiquity, have subsided. The people, mostly too tired and ignorant to continue fretting over an issue the rest of the world has already forgotten, have for the moment returned home. Wreslou, in August bloom, beckons travelers and merchants from as far as Seljuk and Zellonia to the cool breezes and night life. [center][img]http://www.pratercottage.at/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Entreprise-Goldegggasse_um_1910.jpg[/img] [i]A look at modern Tyro-Antarian life, Wreslou, 1910[/i][/center] Not all have forgotten however, and the Diet met on August 15th to an emergency meeting to discuss the inevitability of future conflict. In the absence of the Emperor King, the Diet decides that before midnight they will have made a decision as to the future of Tyro-Antarian relations. A slim minority wished to pass the [b]Civil Suppression Act[/b], a bill that would give the local police and military garrisons the legal authority to stop future rebellions in their infancy. Others however believed the troubles to be at their end, long forgotten and wanted the issue dropped immediately. [hider=Tyro-Antarian Relations] -- [b]Pass the Civil Suppression Act[/b] ([i]1910[/i]): Further aggravations of the peace cannot be accepted. Instead, a law legalizing the forceful disruption of dissident activity will grant our local municipalities the authority to put down nationalism right where it starts. -- [b]Do Nothing, the Peace Has Come[/b]: The people have forgotten, at least for now. To pass legislation to force the issue will rouse a potential hive of wasps. The economy has grown, and our nation is prestigious, proud and defiant to outsiders. Let us use this time to heal the bonds between the Tyro-Antarian injustices.[/hider]