[center][color=9966cc][h2]James Wolfe[/h2][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/43/51/a3/4351a34f4896b7bfb1e8a46ee1c01e9c.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][/center] The worst part of every day for James was the morning. Even at 18 he still craved the long hours of sleep that he could get during his teenage years. Sadly, he had things to do these days, and that required him to be up earlier than he would like. Although he seemed to be a little slower than most this morning. When he was finally able to shrug off the blanket of sleep he had been tucked into, he immediately knew what he needed. [i]Coffeee[/i]. After some tinkering in the kitchen, James was shuffling through the dining and living area of the Cabin One in his pajamas with a large mug of coffee. It didn't take him long to realize that everyone was already awake and starting activities, even his half-sister Bex. He didn't entirely know what to make of her yet, she was so quiet and distant that it was hard to learn about her. Hell, sometimes she even slept on the roof for some reason. Jamie left the mug on the kitchen table after taking a couple, long sips and made himself look presentable. The hot shower woke him up even further and afterwards he was starting to feel like his normal self again. Before leaving his cabin James finished his coffee, making sure to clean the cup afterwards. Wolfe remembered that there was supposed to be an announcement at the Obstacle Tower today, hopefully he hadn't slept through it! On his way to the Tower, James grasped the pack of cigarettes in his back pocket and wiggled it out. He returned it back to his pocket after a cigarette had been lit and placed between his lips. James still didn't feel completely at home at camp yet. He hadn't even attempted to make friend yet either, just the occasional small talk or joke. When he arrived at the Tower, he kept quiet and observed. There was a group gathered on the ground making small talk and it seemed like things were getting pretty intense at the Tower. Looking up towards the top he noticed Ky'vie, Deon, and Bexley. It seemed like there was a tie between Ky and Deon, but he was proved wrong when Bexley jumped down and informed the large group of campers that Ky'vie had won once again. [color=9966cc][b]"What a surprise,"[/b][/color] he mumbled sarcastically. Even though Deon was a prick, Jamie was hoping for a new winner. Ky'vie had [i]clearly[/i] shown that she was athletic, at this point it was just boring to try to beat her on this course, she had too much experience. Exhaling a cloud of smoke with a sigh, James slid his hands into his pockets and looked around, waiting for whatever this big announcement would be.