[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/sawl__292291.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [center][h2]Licking wounds[/h2][/center] With the horrific loss of life in the [i]Second Battle of Karalia[/i], the saurilian men were shuffling about with their heads hanging while the wounded were being tended to. The men gathered what dead they could without having to get near or inside the city, they just seemed miserable with no general to lift their spirits, or motivate them to fight in a war that was not even theirs to fight. These men did what they could to help the Saljuks, but they refused to fight any further and the immediate replacement to General Sjorn, Lieutenant James Forn, had sent a message to the Seljuk general, Mahmed, detailing that the men would be out of the Seljuk's way and they would be headed home as soon as all the wounded were tended to. These ragged men grieved for their comrades and some were even performing makeshift remembrance ceremonies to the dead. A Private Odin Farsen conducted a small speech in remembrance to General Sjorn, only 532 men attending the ceremony. [i]"The General, he was a good man and we know he cared deeply for our lives and the lives of others and it is imperative that we all live up to his name. I was on the front when we stormed the city, I was on the front when we got trapped, and he was on the front when he was shot. It is at this time that we shall not pass him on with grief, instead we shall celebrate for he will be in a better place and he shall know that we have gotten out of that city which he died trying to take. It is here where he has died and it is here in which he shall be remembered, and in the motherland. May we all hope to be as great a man as the General." [/i] While those of the [b]1st Armed Battalion[/b] who attended the ceremony were not cheered up, they did appreciate that the Private had tried to get them all to have a better view.