[@Arcarius][@NecroKnight][@zackattack279][@Spud] [color=00746b]"All Crew gather in the CIC"[/color] Tarrin set the [i]Omaha[/i] to auto-pilot and marched off towards the Galaxy Map display. Fisher and Hawke were already waiting on him. [color=00746b]"Why do humans always name these ships so strangely"[/color] Karvik wondered aloud as he got within earshot of his companions. [color=39b54a]"Historical significance I think"[/color] Hawke grinned [color=39b54a]"Alliance likes to remember it's past or some la-di-da bullshit. To be fair, perhaps the ship does need a better name now that we're officially pirates"[/color] [color=00746b]"we can debate that later Sergeant, crew'll be arriving shortly. Did the crew receive their belongings?"[/color] [color=39b54a]"I assigned my engineers to dig them out of the storage crate. I'll radio down, have them drop off the gear at everyone's quarters"[/color] Commander Fisher nudged Dan's shoulder and beckoned him aside. [color=9e0b0f]"We need to talk a moment, want your input on something. Clearly neither of us can lead ARC while we're on this mission, and we'll be taking a few more of the boys onboard when we hit the rendezvous point. Can't just have the company disappear, so we need someone to be in charge for the interim. I'm down to either Donaldson or Warrick"[/color] [color=39b54a]"Donaldson's an ass, but he has a good eye for the business of things... can't shoot worth a damn though. Warrick's a nervous wreck when you even mention the possibility of him leading a squad. Damn good front line man. Excellent battlefield awareness. Can't they co-lead like you and Jarek?[/color] The very mention of their friend's name still stung. His passing would be mourned for quite some time. [color=9e0b0f]"Can't do it, as much as I'd prefer to, that'd stick us with Lanbo as the head of our backup squad on here. I'd rather have a vorcha chew up my innards"[/color] [color=39b54a]"Aw hell, I don't want Donaldson here bitching at me, and like I said, he's an excellent negotiator, and I'd prefer Warrick to watch our six if we need it"[/color] Fisher nodded in Tarrin's direction. The crew had assembled and he began to speak. [color=00746b]"Welcome aboard the [i]SSV Omaha[/i] everyone. You all know why we're here- to hunt down these fucking savages that call themselves Icarus, and stop them. Few of us in this crew have a good reason for wanting them gone... myself included. We will take no prisoners and give no quarter. We find them, and I guarantee you, we will, we send them to their maker in pieces. No exceptions. Right now we're en route to link up with the rest of the ship's crew, who come to us courtesy of our friends from ARC. They'll fill the ancillary roles on the ship as well as provide backup on the ground if we need it. After that we'll be following up on a lead from an STG decrypter I worked with in my Spectre days, he's provided me with coordinates to the Icarus message's broadcast origins. We'll hit the ground there and see what we find. We'll reconvene once we're in scanning range, around three hours time. Dismissed. Oh, and any of you who had gear confiscated by C-Sec. We had it brought on-board. The engineers are fishing it out of the storage bay. If anything's missing, talk to Sergeant Hawke, I got nothing to do with it"[/color]