[color=Violet]"To the side Max!"[/color] Lilac shouted as they neared a large tree. Max nodded and broke off from her side. The two circled around the tree, Lilac biting her lip. Up in the tree was a young Pidgey Gijinka who had flown up to the tree without supervision from her mother. And now she couldn't get back down in fear of falling. And she was indeed falling. She ran as fast as she could but she knew she couldn't reach. She closed her eyes, fully expecting the sickening sound of flesh hitting the ground at high velocity. But it never came. She opened her eyes and saw that Max had successfully caught the Pidgey by diving towards the landing and grabbing her in mid-air. He was panting as he let the young Pidgey rest atop his chest as he was sprawled on the ground, arms extended outwards. Lilac sighed in relief as she approached the two. The Pidgey was crying. Lilac slowly scooped her up and then comforted her. Soon enough, the mother Pidgeotto came in and thanked the two profusely before leaving with her daughter. [color=violet]"Good job Max. I didn't know you could do it."[/color] She playfully punched his arm and he grunted in response. [color=gray]"Come on, we're going to be late."[/color] Max shouldered the bag that they had dropped earlier on. Lilac had a vision while they were travelling and saw the young Pidgey atop a tree. They searched for it while heading towards the school and finally found it. The huge tree in the middle of the clearing. Mission accomplished, they could safely say. [color=violet]"Yeah!"[/color] Lilac took her bag as well and they headed for the school. The weather was extremely different from where they came from and it revitalized Lilac. They bounded for the dormitory and after bidding farewell, they disappeared inside their own rooms. Lilac smiled as she entered hers. It was so calming, perfect for her almost nightly nightmares. But she might want to add some extra things here like plushies. She placed her things inside while humming to herself and then left. Max, on the other hand, wasn't very impressed. The room was for a goth. Horrible sense in design. That was something since Max wasn't usually picky about things. He dropped his bag on the bed. Well, at least there was lighting for when he's going to read his book. He stepped out of his room and met with Lilac. The two walked around, marvelling at the sight of the school. Or well, at least Lilac is. Max just let the girl pull him along. Noticing a lone figure walking, Lilac bounded up to her. [color=violet]"Heya, how are you finding the school so far?"[/color] She was a friendly gal and doesn't hesitate to strike up a conversation with anyone. Max just trailed behind her, nodding as a greeting for the Blaziken Gijinka. [@CloseEnough]