[u][i][b]Meanwhile, three blocks to the north.[/b][/i][/u] Strolling through the narrow street was Krobb. A troll, not just any troll though, nope, it's perhaps one of the most succesfull trolls in history! Depending on if you count freelancing bridge toll management a proper civilized profession. Trolls tend to lean towards this profession naturally, which results in most rural bridges having a troll living under them. Hence the name, toll, the word was a play on the word troll and many a commoner has been stopped to pay all sorts of fines. Usually in the form of meat, that meat often being the meat on the person itself. This meant that freelance toll management was seen as simple villainy by most, but Krobb had learned from his father that toll management was an important profession. Sure he didn't teach him the reason it was important, proclaiming that 'you will learn why in time son'. But that didn't matter to Krobb anymore, now he was a guard. And a very proud one at that. Making him a strange example of a guard... apart from the fact that he was a troll. Once more his thinking was interrupted by the shrill shriek of a woman dressed in a pink dress with white lace. Krobb looked at the woman and realized she had exited a crossing street, bumped into him and then screamed. Krobb simply leaned down, looked her close in the eyes and smiled a broad toothless smile. Then she fainted, this made Krobb disappointed but he understood why. It's not easy to cope with the life in a city, his mentor had told him that the people of the city work hard and at times become stressed. She must have had a rough day. He gently picked her up and hefted her over his right shoulder and held her securely in place with his right hand, holding the massive club in his left. Krobb then continued his stroll along the street, happily looking for birds flying around in the air. Another scream was heard, but she didn't faint, however a man not paying attention did as he almost walked into the troll. This however Krobb did not notice, he had spotted a singing bullfinch with its radiant red belly bobbing with the notes. He smiled broadly and closed his eyes as he kept walking. Unbeknownst to him, the passed out man was getting mugged, while the woman had her bag yanked from her as she charged after the perpetrator with a raised knife, Krobb accidentally tipped over a market stall with wooden kitchen utensils with his club followed by a crook leaving a home with a bag of stolen goods. This was life, Krobb was such a good guard.