[center][b][h2][color=blueviolet]The Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/h2][/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/Moldovan_Armed_Forces_Flag_(svg).svg/440px-Moldovan_Armed_Forces_Flag_(svg).svg.png[/img] [color=blueviolet][b][i]"Unbowed and Unbroken" 1910[/i][/b][/color][/center] [b][center]The Imperial Cabinet [i]--- 19th July ---[/i][/center][/b] "These Karalians, these refugees, they are not of our nation! Send them back!" A voice boomed, it's source a deceptively small man donned in a black three piece suit with an immaculately white undershirt. A man of many seated at the great table but of importance none-the-less, for he was Steffen von Kohlhase, the Prime Minister of Tyria, answerable only to his peers andtheEmperor. "This is no time for sentiment, we must remain firm against dissent. That which the Seljuk Empire does to them once they cross that border is beyond our control. We are not accountable." "The man which sends another to his death is just as accountable as the one who swings the axe, who pulls the lever." A duke stated glumly from his seat nearby, drawing the irksome gaze of the Prime Minister. "Enough!" A new voice joined the din, this one accompanied with a thud of the table with a fist. The medals adorning his uniformed chest jingled as the Chief of Army, Matrin Kohler, pulled back his arm with words on his lips. "This is not a debate of morals, it is simple pragmatism. My Emperor, we must hand the Karalians over to the Seljuk for the state must face the traitorous radicals in our own midst, not a man is to be spared guarding refugees. Not a single man." With that the room turned silent, all eyes turned to the monarch whom sat at the head of table. After some time, the Emperor King responded: "See that it is done Matrin. Send them back." He resolved with a solemn tone. [center][b][i]--- 15th August, 27 Days Later ---[/i][/b][/center] The early morning light spilled into the room as servants and aides rushed to and fro, setting platters down upon tables and pulling open shutters to great yawning windows. Beyond the panes of glass it was yet dawn, and a pale orange lingered in the sky. Despite this, a group of persons found themselves once more seated at the great table which had become a common sight for the Imperial Cabinet whom had met to convene multiple times throughout the troubled July in order to oversee the precarious situation. While it seemed the state had survived the tumultuous month, steps had been taken assuming the worst. Across the country local Landwehr Divisions had been recalled and put on alert, local constabularies had been reinforced and there had even been talk of the purchase and deployment of Saurilian machine guns in order to control potentially riotous crowds. In the end, none of that had appeared necessary for the state seemed to once more relapse into peace, the state had survived. [i]For how long.[/i] For how long would peace last? This question remained on the minds of every man present, some believed indefinitely, others wanted to be prepared when the time came. The debate on how to proceed regarding the Civil Suppression Act went on until the sky had turned a gloomy grey, a light rain now pattered against the glass beyond. "How we proceed is very much up to us my fellows. The Emperor is attending a ball in Sauril, as such the decision we make today lies solely with us. And it must be decided today." Ulrich Strauss, the Minister of the Interior, spoke as the debate continued anew until finally, a consensus could be reached by dinner that day. [color=blueviolet][center][b][h3]~*~[/h3][/b][/center][/color] [b][center]Civil Suppression Act [i](1910)[/i][/center][/b] After long and deliberating debate, the Imperial Cabinet announces it's intentions to both Parliaments, to put forth the Civil Suppression Act [i](1910)[/i] which will grant enhanced powers to the authorities of the state in protecting the state internally and ensuring under the act, never again a repeat of the Troubles. Hailed by the Prime Minister of Tyria as "the Act to ensure the safety of the nation, to ensure she stands united against the foes of the world who would see her crushed and alone." The Act, while not publicly announced, would also oversee the creation of the 'Internal Security Bureau', a secret intelligence and law enforcement agency which is intended to operate beyond and above the law in order to suppress political dissent away from the public eye. [color=blueviolet][center][b][h3]~*~[/h3][/b][/center][/color] [b][center]Denial of Xian[/center][/b] The Tyro-Antarian Empire denies the recognition of the Republic of Xian, decrying the state as one of "Up-jumped sycophants praying on the weaknesses of foreign nations in the name of a disgraceful 'democracy'." [hr] [hider=Budget] [b]Treasury:[/b] $53,235,600 [b][u]MONTHLY PRODUCTION[/u][/b] [b]FACTORIES[/B] -- [[b]Wolf & Lexer Factory Plant A[/b]] - [[b]Automobile[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Wolf & Lexer Factory Plant B[/b]] - [[b]Automobile[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Wolf & Lexer Factory Plant C[/b]] - [[b]Automobile[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] -[[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Wolf & Lexer Factory Plant D[/b]] - [[b]Automobile[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] -[[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Lattke & Weiss Kohlberg Facility[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Lattke & Weiss Wreslou Facility[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Lattke and Weiss Holzer Facility[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Lattke and Weiss Holderlin Facility[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Lattke and Weiss Nemetz Facility[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Lattke and Weiss Kissling Facility[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Sessler Steelworks Primär[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Sessler Steelworks Sekundär[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Hannawald Mining Ltd[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Hannawald Mining Ltd[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Hannawald Mining Ltd[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Hannawald Mining Ltd[/b]] - [[b]Industrial[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Imperialum Plant[/b]] - [[b]Arms[/b]] - [[i]Nationalized[/i]] - [[i]Rifles[/i]] - [[i]1o,000 Schutze Rifles/month[/i]] [B]SHIPYARDS[/B] -- [[b]Heidrich Landsberg Minor Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Minor[/b]] - [[i]Sturm class Light Cruiser - SMS Blitz[/i]] - [[i]Due 1911[/i]] -- [[b]Heidrich Freudenberg Minor Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Minor[/b]] - [[i]Sturm class Light Cruiser - SMS Komet[/i]] - [[i]Due 1911[/i]] -- [[b]Heidrich Hannawald Minor Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Minor[/b]] - [[i]Sturm class Light Cruiser - SMS Meteor[/i]] - [[i]Due 1911[/i]] -- [[b]Heidrich Rothberg Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major[/b]] - [[i]Sturm class Light Cruiser - SMS Planet[/i]] - [[i]Due 1911[/i]] -- [[b]Heidrich Hoenigberg Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major[/b]] - [[i]Sturm class Light Cruiser - SMS Trabant[/i]] - [[i]Due 1911[/i]] -- [[b]Heidrich Vonhof Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major[/b]] - -- [[b]Heidrich Vonhof Drydocks[/b]] - [[b]Drydocks[/b]] - -- [[b]Imperial Drydocks[/b]] - [[b]Drydocks[/b]] - [b]STEAMERS[/B] - 50 Steamers released upon the world: $50,000,000 [b]TAXES[/B] - Taxing 15,172,500 free Laborers: $150,000,000 - Taxing 2,550,000 Farmers: $4,000,000 [b]Total Income/Production:[/b] - $1,804,000,000 ($1,600,000 from Factories, $154,000,000 from taxes, $50,000,000 from Steamers) - 10,000 Schütze Rifle M1902s [hr] [B]MAINTENANCE[/B] -- 17 Factories running: $425,000,000 -- 5 Shipyards working: $125,000,000 -- 50 Steamers operating: $5,000,000 -- 400,000 Soldiers: $400,000,000 -- 1,450,000 Reserves: $725,000,000 -- 120 Light Artillery: $120,000 -- 3 Dreadnoughts: $6,000,000 -- 8 Coastal Battleships: $5,600,000 -- 28 Destroyers: $7,720,000 -- 14 CAs: $6,720,000 -- 31 Submarines: $5,580,000 -- 16 Scout Planes: $19,200 -- 4 Reconnaissance Planes: $5,200 [b]Total Upkeep:[/b] $1,701,764,400 [hr] [b]Remaining Treasury:[/b] 215,471,200 [b]Purchases:[/b] -- Salvage operation of the Submarine [i]SM U6[/i] begins: $15,000,000 [B]Remaining Treasury:[/b] 200,471,200 [/hider] [hider=Politics] [b]Militarism:[/b] 10 (4 Base + 3 Deny Xian + 3 Oppressed Radicals) [b]Support:[/b] 4 [b]Oppress Radicals:[/b] Removes 2.5% of Radicals. -1 Prestige. [/hider]